Did Rounds Just Go Off in This Tazed Guy’s Pocket? – IOTW Report

Did Rounds Just Go Off in This Tazed Guy’s Pocket?


ht/ jd hasty

28 Comments on Did Rounds Just Go Off in This Tazed Guy’s Pocket?

  1. Looks to me like the cop that shot him was the one that tazed him. The other 2 ran without shooting.

    It appears, based on the lead up. The goof was cooperating, in his own way, his fatal mistake. Cops don’t trust anyone with a gun, they will remove it from you.

    Considering feral tendencies clashing with civic duty, I might argue he was complying. But who is going to take a chance.

    Since the taser cop was the only one to shoot and had to drop the taser after shots were fired.

    My guess is bad finger control.

    Each pulse of electricity turned Home Boy into a full auto thing that flips up and bumps 30 caliber clips.

  2. It looks like the taser set off his weapon, which he stupidly pulled from his pocket, then he directed it towards the police, then the taser guy dropped his and fired 8 rounds into the suspect. AND the rounds went into his legs, not a head shot.

    As much as I despise the police-state, I have to say they tried to use warnings and minimal force FIRST instead of trying to kill him right away like most cops do, then make excuses about it later.

  3. He was a “NO” person (totally uncooperative) so he had it coming. I can’t fathom why he wouldn’t comply with multiple cops pointing their guns at him. Now he’s in pain. Oh, well.

  4. What part of “get down on the ground or knees” did the thug not understand?
    The officer saw and knew he had a pistol in his back pocket.
    The Thug KNEW the officer saw and Knew he had a pistol.
    The officer REPEATEDLY told him NOT to touch the firearm.
    The Thug decided to pull the firearm.
    An some BLM / Liberal Race Pimping person will claim it was the Officers fault.

    I am starting to agree with many saying we need more chlorine in Gene Pool.

  5. What part of “get down on the ground or knees” did the thug not understand?
    The officer saw and knew he had a pistol in his back pocket.
    The Thug KNEW the officer saw and Knew he had a pistol.
    The officer REPEATEDLY told him NOT to touch the firearm.
    The Thug decided to pull the firearm.
    An some BLM / Liberal Race Pimping person will claim it was the Officers fault.

    I am starting to agree with many saying we need more chlorine in Gene Pool.

    BTW: Three Escambia County Sheriff’s deputies were cleared of any wrongdoing in the shootout with the ARMED ROBBERY SUSPECT.

  6. That shit was so good I had to watch it several times!
    Ever since O'”effing”Bama and Holder empowered the DINDU’s and ghetto rats they think they are exempt from the law.
    My self, I would have considered he was still a threat and wait for him to bleed out!

  7. Ganymede,

    Congrats. You’ve officially acquired the moniker of “forum dumbass” for your comment of “murder”.

    The cops all got to go home that night.

    The DFN didn’t.

  8. VietVet, I agree that a taser shouldn’t be able to set off rounds in the kid’s pocket, but it could make his trigger finger twitch, which could set off his gun.

    Cop on right shoots once (you can see the cartridge eject) before he ducks and runs out of the frame. Taser cop switches weapons and fires 7 rounds.

    What I found most irritating was the “I’m not going to tell you again!” repeated 4 or more times. If you tell the kid to get on the ground and say “I’m not going to tell you again,” fire a round near his feet. If he still doesnt’ move, put one in his legs. I hate it when perps disobey cops and the cops let them get away with it. If the kid had just complied, he’d still be alive.

  9. He pulled the gun after he was tased. This was a bad thug who got what he deserved. Big tough guy. No more. Thank god for these police and you bleeding hearts can GTH.

  10. Chris Cassone,

    Looked to me like the thug was in the process of pulling the gun and THEN he got tazed.

    Then again, he was only warned about 20 times or so.

    Unfortunately, he lived. Now the thug will use the scars as a badge of toughness and street cred. Eventually the thug will again step upon his own dick and will be finished-off. How many innocent people will have to suffer until that happens?

    At some point reality won’t allow a tap-out.

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