Did S.E. Cupp Just Out Herself As Democrat Sympathizer? – IOTW Report

Did S.E. Cupp Just Out Herself As Democrat Sympathizer?


Who can we pay to get Dems out of their own way?

Whose side is she on (I ask rhetorically)?


HT/ to Jay Cann-


17 Comments on Did S.E. Cupp Just Out Herself As Democrat Sympathizer?

  1. Cupp is not only not a conservative, she is a garden variety opportunist. And maybe that does kinda make her a conservative, but she’ll never be trusted by conservatives.

    I remember when everyone was breathless that a young, attractive woman was the new talking head on FNC years ago. I think she looks like Kennedy — and there’s another one who tries to hard to come off all analytical and stuff.

  2. Like Dianny said.
    She has occasionally been helpful on leftist TV station panels. She is attractive and that still gets attention. But she is a neverTrumper and has shown to be easily swayed by headlines.

    Like AA says she is an opportunist first. So many of those.

  3. Double D Cupps seems to be prejudiced against Nativist-Americans.

    Van Jones’ wife divorced him so you don’t have to be the homewrecking “other woman” anymore, sugartits.

  4. She is and always has been a Bush/Obam Republican. Almost a charter member of the UNIPARTY. Snever was either LIBERTARIAN (They believe “… THE GOVT IS THE PROBLEM) not conservative!
    A liberal Bush Republican. As Barry said in his ’64 book, he referred to Teddy not Rocky, a NY value Republican. Barry’s book is not well written but if you read it you’ll learn a lot about the GOP that you would need to reedman other books to get the same knowledge. I did read it in ’64. She is a big govt. Republican just like Bush and Teddy. to caller either Libeterian or conservative is to smear Ron! Which, if you watched his funeral in ’04, you saw 2 Presidents named George do! they smeared Ron!

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