Did Sam Elliott Just Call trump Voters Stupid? – IOTW Report

Did Sam Elliott Just Call trump Voters Stupid?

Sam Elliott, who apparently has ticks and chiggers (what the hell is up with all the back and head scratching during this interview?), just insulted his audience, I think.

(He sounds so bored and drunk half the time that I’m not sure he just isn’t talking during his blackout.)

Did he say what I think he said or do I have this wrong?

(Even if I’m wrong I won’t apologize because I cannot stand Sam Elliott’s voice. It’s used for so many voiceovers, and to me he sounds like he has slug-sized snots stuck in his sinus.)


illustr8r is a fan. So is this Vanity Fair reviewer. The guy likes it… despite despising it. I guess he dreams of being overpowered by a rancher.. or something.

-The series felt like a generous, competent acknowledgment of that oft-referenced silent majority, the fly-over real Americans whom us snobby coastal elites ignore all too often. In a perverse way, The Ranch had a sense of justice to it, despite the many ways it was, y’know, problematic.

-But that was in the relative Eden of 2016, back when our bleakest political nightmare was only potential, not actual. Now, The Ranch, which just returned for a 10-episode second season, exists in an altered America, one in which a mutated strain of the show’s red-state values has assumed control of the nation. In that new, harsh light, The Ranch’s cis-white-male orthodoxy—and its stridency about that—has a nasty tang. The show’s once-affable rudeness, its gentle, blockheaded rebuke of pansy P.C.-ism, is now edged with something darker. These assholes won; they’re on the news every day. So why should we watch a sitcom about them, too?

-It’s otherwise mute on race, and any reference to anything queer comes only in shades of panic. So, the show has its issues. I’m still not sure how much of that I want to forgive, especially now that the show—with its implicit ideology now governing our country—is punching down more often than not.

-Did we actually ever need this show? Isn’t so much of American culture—our movies, our TV, our sports, our music—already a paean to white, heteronormative America, coded or not?

-And yet . . . it’s kind of a a good show. Yes, you can see its crude jokes coming a mile away, and its politics are blithe and often bad (not always, though). But the series is also so pleasingly lived-in and well lit (important for a filmed play, which the show essentially is), and the performances are sharp and appealing.


He wants Ashton.

33 Comments on Did Sam Elliott Just Call trump Voters Stupid?

  1. The “Big Lebowski” made Sam Elliot’s character a rational sounding conservative, especially compared to Walter Sobchak. If Elliot wanted to sound off as a conservative, he’s had decades to get that done. Just because he looks good in a cowboy hat and can really ride a horse, doesn’t make him a Republican in Hollywoodland.

  2. Never heard of this show until now. But then again, I can’t stand Ashton Kutcher, so I won’t be tuning in anyway. Sam Elliott was a character on one of our favorite shows — “Justified.” Sam didn’t have his mustache for this particular role, and Mr. Vixen commented he looked like a talking turtle. And yep, it sounds like he has some particularly heinous sinus condition. As far as the clip above? I’m not exactly sure what Elliott meant– I was too distracted by all that scratching– but I tend to think it was a diss of Trump and his supporters.

  3. It’s a reverse Billy Bush – Donald Trump video.

    Elliott and Kutcher are equating bashing Trump and voters in the same way that boys talk about girls in terms that are just expected when they get together.

    It’s just a progressive circle jerk (like the view) snorting about expected topics (everybody talks down Trump/trump voters in Hollywood in 2017!)

    They are not even original anymore.

  4. I tried watching the show, but it is so boring and unfunny. If it weren’t for the laugh track, I wouldn’t have known it was supposed to be funny. It is horrid.

  5. I have very strong views, but I can also back up my reasons for my views with facts. I’ve never heard any of these jerks explain why they hold their views. It’s just the liberal mantra, and shows their shallowness.

  6. Speaking of stupid, how dumb is it to just give over half of potential viewers the FU?

    Hey Sam, Lifeguard was the only movie I walked out on and demanded my money back.

  7. Sam Elliott should have paid more attention in his real life to bringing up a child who wouldn’t threaten to kill her mother. But then if mom is a libtard maybe the girl was the only rational person in the family.

  8. Considering the odds, if i had to bet, i’d say elliot was insulting me and most ranchers i know.

    I am a big fan of turning off programs like these. Watched it for 10 minutes or less. If i want to hear a steady stream of non-creative language, i can follow a gaggle of teenage brats around.

  9. Like-ability on camera is a quirky and self-fulfilling thing. I usually like Elliott’s characters. But I only watch films I’m pretty sure I’m going to like.

    He’s had a good long career over decades. Not easy, and good for him.
    But I don’t care about any celebrity’s politics.

    Speak your lines, be likeable and enjoy your money. Don’t presume to lecture me, or mistake my enjoying Tombstone for wanting to hear you recite a second hand political mantra.

  10. Big Lebowski trivia: Elliot’s said in interviews he was told nothing about the plot, didn’t see the script, just told he had some voiceover narration and one 60 second scene as “unnamed cowboy on a barstool”.
    They shot cold, so unrehearsed he exits the wrong direction and almost trips over a cable.

  11. Elliott dated Woopie Goldberg back in th day. Confirmed on the *holding nose* View. It doesn’t appear Elliott is any less liberal since he has a part in an unfunny leftist “comedy”.

  12. 99th Squad Leader- Eeww I didn’t know that!!! Did he get custody of her eyebrows when they broke up?
    Rumor is, whoopi’s a moocher who goes from one hollywood guy to another’s home.

  13. Never watch anything with Asshole Clutcher in it.
    And as for Elliot, or any other Hollyweird maggot – I assume they’re ignorant socialist guilt-ridden rich fucktards who may, or may not, read lines well – until they prove otherwise.

    Fuck Off, Eat Shit, and Die.
    When you form an opinion on Gravity Waves, Edge Physics, or the Epistemology of the Foundations of Knowledge (ha ha) open your pie-hole – otherwise, shut the fuck up.

    izlamo delenda est …

  14. Whoopie? Now that’s a mental picture so can do without.
    She torpedoed Ted Danson’s career beyond salvage. Whoopie must like her some tall dark white boys. What, no brothas?

    And stage name “Goldberg”? Cultural Appropriation.

  15. MJA and Rufus T Firefly, I witnessed the grossfest interview while channel surfing (wish I could find the video). Apparently, the View harpies had trouble imagining a Elliott/Goldberg coupling as well. The Ted Danson affair was common knowledge.
    Elliott and Goldberg got together filming “Fatal Beauty”, 1987 and probably lost interest soon after. Typical Hollyweird hook up.

  16. @99th, still hard to imagine, even 30 years and 200 Whoopie-pounds ago.
    Her shtick was somewhat novel then, a femLe Richard Pryor wannabe, and she had not yet blimped out into Evil Hattie McDaniel.

    Errol Flynn said of Hollywood hookups that it was safer banging the Leading Lady than a script girl or some local waitress.
    The Star won’t turn up preggers or file a blackmail suit because the Star has just as much to lose.
    And the reverse with marriage. That was before Palimony.

  17. … the movie was ‘Fatal Beauty’ … Elliott porks Whoop eye

    WARNING: Do NOT watch … unless you need to evacuate the contents of your digestive tract

  18. Who ever wrote this garbage proves 2 things. Any idiot with emotional issues can write and 2 even a few more idiots can put it on the internet. Oh also Trump minions are just like him. They can dish out criticism all day but like weak little cry babies they can not take it without attacking back showing how immature they are.


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