Did the FBI Allow the Terror Attack to Happen in Garland? – IOTW Report

Did the FBI Allow the Terror Attack to Happen in Garland?

Ummmm… yes.

Tucker Carlson covers it HERE.

HT/ Mortgages For the Masses


14 Comments on Did the FBI Allow the Terror Attack to Happen in Garland?

  1. LOL, well next time the FBI should confirm the terrorists actually know how to run an AK. And should confirm there’s not some old timer there thats not going to shoot their asses of with a freaken 1911. To funny.

  2. Everybody who is surprised, hold up your hand.
    “The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam.” – O’Baja
    Any depiction of Mohammed Biden, the pedo, caricature or a da Vinci, is “slander” to murderous savages, the FBI is well aware of this.

  3. Makes you wonder how many other field FBI agents were closely monitoring people in process of doing other attacks on innocent people, people they are supposed to protect, and were ordered to do nothing to stop it or warn other LE agencies or security people at the target site. And may have actually been encouraging them to do the attacks. I doubt the attack in Texas was the only one. Indeed, they stated this same FBI agent testified in a case in Cleveland with his identity carefully concealed.

  4. The FBI is just great, it’s just a few in upper management that are bad. Bullshit! This organization has corruption seeded throughout. Along with this example there’s the Las Vegas event {which I haven’t heard a peep about in a while} and many other examples that has caused the loss of trust in this group.

  5. Hey Bad_Brad… Garland PD Officer Greg Stevens was shooting a Glock .45 cal Mod 21. Heard him speak about the event and was impressed with his description of getting a good sight picture before each shot he took. He let loose as soon as he saw a rifle barrel come out of the car! A true American patriot, hero and a thankfully a pretty good shot!

  6. I have no faith in the FBI. I believe it is a rogue agency. For sure there are some honest agents, but I believe if these Muslim nut cases succeeded in killing BFH, Geller, and others, the FBI agent who eggs these guys on would have disappeared and the operation would never have been exposed.

    The failures of the FBI, when it come to mass killings is so dismal, that I can only conclude that they let these crimes happen for political reasons. Nothing would surprise me when it comes to the BHO administration. They are just evil people.


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