Did the left ever even try to balance the needs of those who cannot take care of themselves against the risk of teaching people to not take care of themselves? – IOTW Report

Did the left ever even try to balance the needs of those who cannot take care of themselves against the risk of teaching people to not take care of themselves?

The left has failed. Their apparatus has failed. Their “safety net” has become a hammock.

Welfare Is the Highest Paying Entry-Level Job in 38 States

How many people have been diverted from the workforce thanks to our welfare system?
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4 Comments on Did the left ever even try to balance the needs of those who cannot take care of themselves against the risk of teaching people to not take care of themselves?

  1. This touches on the subject, it mostly overlooks why it’s so difficult to get out of welfare in order to make it on your own. The author states his wife worked 20 years to make it big at McDonalds, but someone on welfare just to cover the gap in wages to government handouts could take longer than 30 years. based on average wage increases and promotions from minimum wage. Stefan made a video about it, more detailed than I could explain here.

  2. Minnesota pays $40,000 minimum Welfare. Add food stamps and govt housing and they live better than I ever did at the highest wage I ever made. Now I make in the high $20,000 range working a seasonal job with some other odd jobs in-between.

    Makes me wonder where I’d be now if I didn’t learn my work ethics from my parents (Dad’s motto was: If you aren’t early; you’re late).

  3. Claudia I think I read one time a woman with a couple kids in Hawaii can get like $60+ grand a year on Welfare plus all the other goodies you stated.

    Great motto from dad too. 🙂

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