Did the Plane Come With Twin Towers? – IOTW Report

Did the Plane Come With Twin Towers?

Parents got a bit of a shock when the toy plane that bought for their youngster came equipped with the Islamic prayer that Muslims chant when on their pilgrimage to Mecca.

A Muslim cleric imagines that the manufacturer in China put in the wrong sound card, which begs the question, what child’s toy was supposed to get the Islamic prayer?

My Little Suitcase Clock?

ht/ illustr8r


9 Comments on Did the Plane Come With Twin Towers?

  1. it was supposed to go in the ‘Little Buddy Bomb Maker Kit’ with the ‘Action Boom Vest’ accessory
    …or the ‘Little Muzzie Doctor Klitty Kutter Kit’

3 Trackbacks & Pingbacks

  1. Christmas Gift Shocker: Why Does Toy Jet Come With Sound Of Islamic Prayer? [Video] | Digital Liberty Voice
  2. DISGUSTING: Parents shocked after Children's Toy Jet Makes Muslim Call To Prayer — Freedom Daily
  3. Christmas Gift Shocker: Why Does Toy Jet Come With Sound Of Islamic Prayer? [Video] | Whistle Blowing Media

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