Did the PR Firm That Canned Carlos Danger Just Hire More Damaged Goods? – IOTW Report

Did the PR Firm That Canned Carlos Danger Just Hire More Damaged Goods?

MWWPR, the New Jersey PR firm that was forced to terminate Anthony Weiner (ironic since the firm specializes in crisis management) is at it again. Sources tell iOTWreport that the firm has hired Amy Dacey, the DNC CEO that resigned after leaked emails showed her giving her blessing on a plan to attack Bernie Sanders on his ethnicity.

wiki – In 2016, Dacey gained notoriety when Wikileaks published an email in which she responded “AMEN”[17] to an email from colleague Bradley Marshall who suggested having a plant question democratic candidate Bernie SandersJewish heritage as a strategy to use the candidate’s faith as a wedge to cost him votes because “It’s these [sic] Jesus thing” he wrote to her, to which she replied “AMEN” in all capital letters.[18][19] In early August, Dacey resigned as CEO of the DNC in wake of the email scandal.[20]

What is with this PR firm? How do they benefit, as a crisis management firm, in hiring people that would be better served as one of their clients?

Let’s see how long Dacey lasts.

ht/ Sapper Chris

6 Comments on Did the PR Firm That Canned Carlos Danger Just Hire More Damaged Goods?

  1. I don’t believe anyone thinks that Carlos Dangler just woke up one morning and said to himself: “Ya know… This seems like a good day to turn into an asshole AND a pervert”.
    He’s always been one and guess what?
    He always will be.
    He’s not going to change.
    Same thing with this company. They knew what he was when they hired him. The only reason they fired him is because he turned into a lightning rod. They were juuuuuuust a little short on scruples, morals and standards…. and still are. This is simple pandering to a like-minded group known as DefecRats.

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