Did Thomas Eric Duncan, Come To U.S. To Get Treatment For His Ebola Exposure? – IOTW Report

Did Thomas Eric Duncan, Come To U.S. To Get Treatment For His Ebola Exposure?

The Last Refuge

What we had suspected was the case is now confirmed by the New York Times.  Patient Zero, Thomas Duncan, came to the U.S. knowing he was exposed to Ebola and seeking treatment.

MONROVIA, Liberia — A man who flew to Dallas and was later found to have the Ebola virus was identified by senior Liberian government officials on Wednesday as Thomas Eric Duncan, a resident of Monrovia in his mid-40s.

Mr. Duncan, the first person to develop symptoms outside Africa during the current epidemic, had direct contact with a woman stricken by Ebola on Sept. 15, just four days before he left Liberia for the United States, the woman’s parents and Mr. Duncan’s neighbors said.

In a pattern often seen here in Monrovia, the Liberian capital, the family of the woman, Marthalene Williams, 19, took her by taxi to a hospital with Mr. Duncan’s help on Sept. 15 after failing to get an ambulance, said her parents, Emmanuel and Amie Williams. She was convulsing and seven months pregnant, they said.

Turned away from a hospital for lack of space in its Ebola treatment ward, the family said it took Ms. Williams back home in the evening, and that she died hours later, around 3 a.m.


15 Comments on Did Thomas Eric Duncan, Come To U.S. To Get Treatment For His Ebola Exposure?

  1. so he just rounded up a coupla trillion frequent flyer miles from all his homies ?

    HowTF did this guy just hop on da plane mon and get his contagiious ass to the hospital?

    what jamaica’s not close to liberia?

  2. I’ve read a story where the airlines are trying to locate a hundred or so fliers that might have come into contact with him. Also, before flying onto Dallas, the plan landed at the Washington Dulles airport. Could easily be people who contacted Ebola and are now in the DC metro area. I suspect in 3 or 4 days, we’ll hear news that someone is affected in that area.

    If this is the case, I could only hope that the person visited the CDC and spread some of the wealth. I don’t wish ill on federal employees, but do keep in mind, the only way that this administration will finally wake up is when a few of their own are infected. Then again, those who have it, could be quietly removed and never heard from again.

  3. Well today King Obola said every person from a shithole country in Africa is welcome here. You’d think King Obola was trying to destroy his kingdom, wouldn’t you? 🙄

  4. TtwoT, I really do wish ill on a Fed worker, King 0sshiah.
    Then maybe the SOB would lock down this come one come all country. I am sick of these effin freeloaders piling in here. You know Ebola #1 doesn’t have a dime. Ship his ass back. On a canoe. We can’t even care for our own. We are are becoming a third world country at breakneck speed.

  5. I don’t blame this guy at all. He tried to help a neighbour’s daughter and came into contact with Ebola. He knew his only chance would be to get to the states so he gave it a try. Frankly, I think a lot of us would try the same thing because fear is a mighty strong motivator and not many would have the fortitude to accept their fate for the greater good.

    What the Western countries need to do is to top all traffic to these hotspots as well as easily reached satellite areas. It’s a tough thing to do but if this guy traveled to Belgium and they didn’t stop him and then New York didn’t stop him from continuing then you have to cut the source clean.

    You can set up camps to distribute air dropped food and medical supplies and is a vaccine is found that as well but your first response is to stop it from getting out into the wild.

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