Did you eat doo? – IOTW Report

Did you eat doo?


Pete Buttigieg Plays the Didgeridoo, Because of Course He Does

He is so “that guy”


Buttigieg is the quintessential embodiment of the obnoxious grad student, brimming with excess confidence and useless talents. He’s the 37-year-old mayor of the 4th-largest city in the 17th-largest state in the country and believes he has what it takes to be president. He’s minimally conversant in a bunch of obscure languages. He won’t stop talking about the time he studied abroad in Afghanistan. He plays a bunch of instruments, including the didgeridoo, because of course he does.

The Washington Post reports on one of the overlooked “fun facts” displayed about the candidates during the most recent Democratic debate in Detroit:

Last week’s debates taught us a little something about the Democrats who are running for president, like that Joe Biden doesn’t understand texting and that Marianne Williamson knows a “dark psychic force” when she sees one.

Less noticed, though, was this revelation: Pete Buttigieg plays the didgeridoo. Yes, folks, it’s true. That nugget of insight into the 37-year-old’s personality came courtesy of CNN’s rundown of the fun facts that you “didn’t know” about the 20 candidates who appeared at the network’s two debates. 


ht/ marco

19 Comments on Did you eat doo?

  1. Mayor Buttplugger has found his rightful position in the South Bendover Band. After mastering the didgeridoo, can his aspiration to become the first openly white homosexualist to pick up where the first closeted colored homosexualist broke all those barriers except being outed by his white handlers be far behind?

  2. So WeeWee Sherman Peabody APPROPRIATES another culture and he gets a pass?!!!!
    WTF! He’s just a northern europeeing descendant WHITE BOY!

    He’s as diverse as a bowl of white Jordan almonds!

  3. Well at least after he’s out of work here and NOT elected president…he might be able to get a “GiG” playing his Didg in a remake of a remake of a Crocodile Dundee movie!

  4. ‘Did you eat doo?’
    ‘That nugget of insight into the 37-year-old’s personality came courtesy of CNN’s rundown of the fun facts that you “didn’t know” ‘
    ‘suck start a Harley to boot.’

    Sh*t writes itself,,,
    Best funniest Sh*t,,, only here!

  5. So if he’s the “wife” in his “marriage” and he gets elected, (yeah right), using the twisted logic of the Left, we will have our first “woman” President then?


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