Did You Enjoy The Extra Hour? – IOTW Report

Did You Enjoy The Extra Hour?

Images from:

1 Rando (HouseCat #3)
4 & 5 Sturge
8 Little Sis (Pistol)
9 Eugenia

The rest of the images are courtesy of pixabay.com and unsplash.com

Submit your critter pictures for an upcoming Sunday Critters. Please email them to:


They must be a picture you (or family/friend) took and are willing to have us publish them on this site. Do not send any images you found on the internet.

Use ‘Critters’ in the subject line. Include your screen name in the body of the email. Tell me the name of your critter so I can include it with your screen name. Let us know in the comments any other info you want to share!

Critter pictures NEEDED:


17 Comments on Did You Enjoy The Extra Hour?

  1. My body and my mind tell me it’s 6:45 Am but the clock tells me it’s actually 5:45 and I’ve been awake for a while, so what else is new being a early morning person. As long as Ranger Doug’s classic cowboy corral is on XM 59 in 10 minutes I’ll be happy.

  2. Since I had to get up at 2am for work, our little dog had to go out, then have breakfast, then play. I got back to bed and she wouldn’t, so we ‘napped’ on the recliner til daylight.
    Dog is gonna be confused this evening when it’s time for her after supper walk.

  3. A pictorial essay of Union and/or Gov’t workers …
    satiated, asleep, dreaming …

    Thanks, Claudia! Took me back! Good times … good times …

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Funny how I never mind “falling behind” an hour, but I sure don’t enjoy the “spring forward” that’s coming.

    Terrific collection, Claudia – as always!

  5. I prefer DST, some people do not. It’s understandable.
    And I don’t appreciate the disruption when the clocks are reset.
    An equitable solution would be to split the difference, and then just leave ’em alone.

    But nooOOOOoo!

  6. A LERT

    Cosmic X-Y-Z Heat WAV delay

    Attention All Onboard Passengers
    Take off your shoes and sit right down
    All IOTW passengers will be delayed for approx 30 to 60 minutes
    Please read first all in-flight instructions before proceeding to Gate IOTW
    Please re-read to re-familiarariseasize yourself the Cabin-only comments here:

    After your Reading Time delay
    A 10 minute In-Flight Movie will Loop
    The Smokers Lounge is open and the Lamp is lit
    Enjoy the Show
    Beans, Bread and a Beverage have been arranged
    LOOP: We Fly Higher for You

    First time viewers forecast 100 percent chance of replays
    For fellow viewers fun, quiz answer passing is phrowned upon
    Post-after-flight comment card communications seperately

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