Did you hear the one about the Italian guy who went for a 280 mile walk to get away from his wife? – IOTW Report

Did you hear the one about the Italian guy who went for a 280 mile walk to get away from his wife?

He was fined for ‘breaching coronavirus lockdown regulations.’
It’s funny..But it’s not funny.

6 Comments on Did you hear the one about the Italian guy who went for a 280 mile walk to get away from his wife?

  1. The guy is an amateur: One day, his wife pointed to a hawk perched in a nearby tree and complained that it had been getting after the chickens. Lilly picked up his rifle and headed outside, but as he raised the gun to his shoulder, the hawk took off. So did Lilly, who did not return home for more than a year. “That hawk just kept flying,” he said by way of explanation.

  2. “He walked about 40 miles a day in an attempt to soothe his anger”

    That’s a little more than angry.

    Maybe 10-20 miles when angry. Tops.

    Something else is afoot. You tend to work off the steam WAY before 280 miles.

    She either needs to be shot, or he needs psych treatment.

  3. And when he was returned home by the police, with a fine, his wife said, ‘I told you so. I told you not to leave.’
    … loudly …in Italian.
    And now the police –and the nosy neighbors– are surveiling the house to make sure he doesn’t try that again.
    It is funny.
    Until it’s not.


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