Did you see CNN’s new ad touting their new slogan “Facts First”? – IOTW Report

Did you see CNN’s new ad touting their new slogan “Facts First”?

Did you see CNN’s new ad touting their new slogan “Facts First”?

Well, this ain’t it. This is my parody of it.


Here’s the original.

39 Comments on Did you see CNN’s new ad touting their new slogan “Facts First”?

  1. Related: (half) watching White House press briefing. Amazing how inquisitive the press corps is about Niger, but didn’t give a flying about Ben Ghazi.
    Political operatives all.

    Facts first my ass.

  2. PHenry, when they find out it was Barky who got us knee deep in Niger, and that it involves shady dealings with yellowcake Uranium, which Mint Tea sipping Joe Wilson said was a figment of our imagination, they’ll lose interest.

  3. Jim Acosta, Jake Tapper, Keith Olberman, Christiane Amanpour, Wolf Blitzer. These are morons. Some might try to tell you these are serious journalists. But they are not. They’re morons. We know, because we’re CNN, and they’re our employees.

  4. Better suggestions for CNN:

    Everything looks better with fake news.

    Why don’t you try fake news ?

    Great fake news. Great times.

    Fake news – Make Believe.

    Fake news because Life has a purpose. We just don’t know what it is.

  5. The great change must have taken place with sorcerers hats and wizardry. no change in “fact gathering” staff, no new writers, no new producers and directors, no new news readers. everyone took a firm bowel to put the facts first! Pardon me, but it sounds like a crock of fresh horse manure. CNN lives and dies by the big lie.
    lie first, lie frequently, and those who are uninformed enough will leave you!

  6. How am I supposed to see the new CNN slogan when I’m the guy that changes the channel on every tv in a public place?

    By pointing out to people that they are ‘telling the truth’ they raise the suspicion that it is/always has been an issue for them.
    Stupid desperation by insincere losers.

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