Diddy Interested In Buying Carolina Panthers (and install Kaepernick into the QB position) – IOTW Report

Diddy Interested In Buying Carolina Panthers (and install Kaepernick into the QB position)

In a surprising announcement last night, owner of the Carolina Panthers, Jerry Richardson indicated that he will be selling his team. The sudden desire to dump the franchise comes as stories have been leaking out of on going investigations into Richardson’s “misconduct” in the workplace.

Quick to state an interest was none other than the rap impresario, Sean “Diddy” Combs. If Mr. Combs could acquire the Panthers, he would become the first black owner of an NFL team.  Diddy indicated his intention to immediately hire Colin Kaepernick to lead his team.



33 Comments on Diddy Interested In Buying Carolina Panthers (and install Kaepernick into the QB position)

  1. Nice business move.
    Yes. Colon can “lead the team” into oblivion.
    Maybe they can all sit down together and wipe each other’s flopsweat.
    Just think! The non-Patriots playing the Patriots! What a dream come true!
    Do it, P. Diddley, you rascal you!

  2. I hope Diddly buys the team. And I want BeNancy to buy another, and Oprah and Mooch & Squirrel can buy teams too.
    Let them buy all the NFL teams for the Billions of dollars that they are claimed to be worth.
    Then we’ll talk next year.

  3. Luckily, Mr. Combs did not make his rap fortune by glamorizing drug dealing, promoting gang violence, murder or treating hoes like dumb cumbuckets.

    Otherwise, the NFL would be in a quandary given their PC Culture and that the Panthers owner is out over making creepy old man comments. And not rapping about taking hoes back to da crib to smoke PCP.

  4. GOOD! Better that a stupid negro spend his American money on something which is
    1) (hopefully) guaranteed not to harm our culture, and
    2) (hopefully) guaranteed to lose him a ton of dough.

  5. Diddy is just a prop. He isn’t that rich. A Deep State Soros type is the real financial source. All done to continue undermining the NFL francise by hiring Crapernick and other nefarious socialist tactics.

  6. Replace Cam Newton with Colin Kraperdick? To hell with Winning football games, let’s just make the starting line-ups out of the greatest “Social Justice Warriors” you can find. Might as well have Al Sharpton coach, and good luck with all that.

  7. “A fool and his money are soon parted.” Is an old bit of advice

    A saying held in such high regard for being the truth that people argue about who said it first.

    What ever the history of its origin and how often it has been proven accurate – this nfl deal has a good chance of not harming its record of accuracy, and extending its – told ya so – record.

    [fingers crossed. I’d like to see if the millionaire whiners still whine & take knee after a huge pay cut, down to the average level of a Joe Six Pack income] It would be even sweeter if they had to pay people, out of their own pocket, to sit in the stands and watch the game.

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