Died Suddenly – IOTW Report

Died Suddenly

LifeSite News

A groundbreaking documentary that sketches the connection between recently skyrocketing sudden deaths, COVID jabs, and the depopulation agenda behind it all will be released November 21.

The trailer for “Died Suddenly,” presented by radio host Stew Peters, is now available for public viewing More

Trailer at the link or watch it Here
Documentary to stream on Netflix starting November 21st.

25 Comments on Died Suddenly

  1. I have stories myself. Some shared here.

    What I don’t have is Netflix, so I’ll never see it.

    God bless him for making it, but it might as well be on Facebook, since satan owns them both.

  2. SNS

    Netflix has had to change it’s evil ways to financially survive. I would imagine Netflix is still chalked full of uneducated Libtards. I’m thinking Netflix might be the perfect place for this to air.
    I posted a week or so ago i had a friend that reluctantly got the initial two. And then got a booster so he could get into Canada. Now he has cancer. Well add two more to that list. There’s a good possibility that they have succeeded and the population will drastically be reduced.
    I don’t beleive that little bitch Billy Gates ever got the jab. I think we should strap his ass to a chair and give him about four in quick succession.

  3. Looks like all of us crazy tin-foil hatter’s are being proven correct in our conspiracy theories about the death jab.

    This whole mess has been planned for a long time and I believe no “election” is gonna solve this evil.

    And yes, I’m still going to vote IN PERSON on the 8th.

  4. I have no doubt the likes of Joe Biden, Fauci, and Bill Gates only took saline injections. Things are going to get real ugly when the die-off hits nations where their populations were forced to get the suicide jab. Canada, Australia, Israel, and most of Europe are going to be hit hard. China? Not so much. And yes. I do believe this was all planned.

  5. If there is an anti-christ, maybe there’s an anti-rapture. I’m not saying that the souls of those who died for trusting and believing The Science are lost, just that there are millions dying suddenly right amongst us, day after day, and it is nothing but an endless series of obituaries and Local News Stories.

    Nobody wants to believe there is a pattern or know why, and the culprits are only too happy to keep us uninterested or distracted from the awful truth.

  6. I just can’t watch these things.
    Though I am unvaxed, I have loved ones who had to get the jab to work, and other loved ones who believed the lies.
    There is nothing I can do to help them, and I just don’t want to succumb to fear.


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