“Digital Dunkirk” Helping Loyal Afghans Escape Clutches Of Taliban – IOTW Report

“Digital Dunkirk” Helping Loyal Afghans Escape Clutches Of Taliban

Fox News

A network of “hundreds of thousands” of people, including analysts using satellite imagery to locate Taliban checkpoints surrounding the Kabul airport, are coordinating to evacuate Afghan interpreters from the country, an Afghanistan war veteran and member of the coalition told Fox News.

These interpreters, now targeted by the Taliban, were essential U.S. allies during the Afghanistan war and played roles much larger than simply acting as translators, according to Matt Zeller.The Biden administration has faced fierce criticism that the U.S. hasn’t made their evacuation more of a priority.

“These people that we’re talking about … they were our eyes and ears on the battlefield,” Zeller told Fox News. He said they’d hear Taliban communications ordering fighters to shoot the interpreters first. More

12 Comments on “Digital Dunkirk” Helping Loyal Afghans Escape Clutches Of Taliban

  1. Fire, Aim, Ready! That right there is grounds for immediate impeachments of this whole damn administration and we’re hearing barely a whisper. WTabsoluteF?

  2. Lots of Digital Dunkirk’s coming.

    Digital censorship (✔)
    Digital voting (✔)
    Digital VAX passports on your phone
    Digital social credit system
    Digital currency

    Life with permission… 🅳🅸🅶🅸🆃🅰🅻 🅳🅴🅰🆃🅷.

  3. Nice

    If I was God for a day, one of the things I would do is give Madison his legs back with the proviso that he “Preston Brooks” that pussy Adam Kinzinger to within an inch of his life.

  4. Red Flag Dan Crenshaw just shot that course and was about an hour behind Cawtorn. Yea, I know, no depth perception. I just really dislike that asshole. To much tone for me. The self appointed smartest guy in the room. Taran Tactical didnt even post the videos on their page. They’re on Crenshaw’s though.

  5. Im sure they will make sure only woke types will be brought here. I suggest some sort of test about how many genders & how friendly they are to tha LGBTQRTSUV? Will they be joyus enough when transing their kids? Will they only vote for those that support those things anyway?

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