Digital Voice Replication Wouldn’t Fool Me – IOTW Report

Digital Voice Replication Wouldn’t Fool Me

Digital voice replication sounds like a deaf person with autism.

This report gets histrionic about the evil applications of this “amazing” technology.

It could one day become amazing, right now it is underwhelming. Tell the replicant a joke and you’ll get a generic “ha ha ha ha” instead of the laughter you’re used to. The cadence is all off, and the subtle nuances in speech that are used for levels deep communication is completely lost.

In the clip the reporter “talks” to his mother to see if she can be fooled. I have no idea how she was. I only know of this guy from this video and I thought it sounded fishy.

9 Comments on Digital Voice Replication Wouldn’t Fool Me

  1. It looks like Canada is already living in a dystopian future.

    BTW the guy really sounds like the deaf autistic child and that’s why the mother doesn’t have a clue.

  2. I hate computer voices, this one probably sounds like a combination of Hal from 2001 and Marvin the paranoid android from The hitchhikers guide to the galaxy. Or worse an evil Dalek. EXTERMINATE! Or the Borg, you will be assimilated/exterminated unless you obey the collective. RUN AWAY!

  3. So in a few years when they get the software polished, a hacker, who has your personal and credit card info, can call your bank (which has the latest voice recognition software) and request a transfer.
    Good times ahead… goooood times ahead…………


    The edit is back !!

  4. I made a comment on this thread and then followed up with an other comment. I decided to cancel the second with re-introduced EDIT function.
    I deleted the second posting.
    It was gone, and the first was still there.
    20 minutes later, BOTH were gone.
    Heads up, looks like if you try and delete an edited post, it deletes all posts from the same NAME.

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