Dim Bulb Bans Incandescent Light Bulbs – IOTW Report

Dim Bulb Bans Incandescent Light Bulbs

PM: Joe Biden has implemented a plan to ban incandescent light bulbs from consumer purchase starting on August 1, 2023, a reversal of a Trump administration policy that allowed Americans to choose what kinds of light bulbs they wanted to buy.

According to Fox News Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm said last year, “The lighting industry is already embracing more energy efficient products, and this measure will accelerate progress to deliver the best products to American consumers and build a better and brighter future.

Fox news reports that Biden’s ban on bulbs his administration deems energy inefficient is part of his larger climate change policy. The mandate bans halogen bulbs leaving consumers to purchase more LED or light-emitting diode lamps.

In April 2022, the Department of Energy (DOE) adopted the policy that aims to prohibit the retail sale and purchase of incandescent light bulbs and started discouraging the sale at that time.  more

28 Comments on Dim Bulb Bans Incandescent Light Bulbs

  1. Meh. I already have a lifetime supply of 65/100W bulbs. In retrospect, sort of a rash move on my part now that LEDs are viable but I was determined that the big, stupid government wasn’t going to dictate my lighting choices to me.

  2. Did I miss the “Household Appliances” section in the enumerated powers of the Executive Branch in the Constitution?

    …I don’t think the Founders had this vision of an overweening Federal Government at ALL, let alone one putatively controlled by a neurosyphilitic demented pedophile usurper…

  3. I’m glad that LED technology came in so quick to make CFLs obsolete. What a cluster that was – Save the planet by polluting it with mercury!…
    I don’t have a problem with LEDs as long as their actual lifetime and energy use justifies the additional cost over incandescent.
    By the way – any incandescent bulbs you can still buy have pathetic life expectancy, regardless what the carton says.
    My worry is that automobile bulbs are part of this ban. I can’t find that info in any article. Does anyone know?

  4. In the past, people with good eyesight would not need reading glasses until late in their 40’s.
    With all the artificial light, electronics, and screwed up light spectrum people’s eyes will be fucked up by the time they reach their 20’s.

  5. Put a new utility sink in my garage yesterday (Costco sale). The water came out in a pathetic dribble…until…I removed the stupid plastic restrictor disc. Now we have full flow. F. U. Federal government.

  6. @Tony R
    I did the same with a new shower head. Luckily for us the manufacturers of these things realized the public still wanted good flow regardless what the gubmint says so they designed the required feature to be easily removeable. If anyone else is frustrated with their water flow check this out:

  7. someone is making money off of this
    just like the last time.

    my experience with the LED bilbs, is that they have several LED lights within the bulb itself. The several bulbs are wired in such a manner that, if one bulb fails, the others do as well and the whole thing is junk. (It is either series or parallel wiring, not sure which). Remember those old Christmas lights that drove you crazy, finding the bad bulb that shut off the whole string of lights? These are wired in the same way.
    Which suggests to me that the people promoting and designing this probably never had Christmas lights, or anything to do with that celebration, for that matter.
    Why is it allowed that such an inferior and deliberately designed product is soon to be mandated? Next thing you know, they’ll start doing the same thing with the field of medicine.

  8. So now we are stuck with 10,000 hour LED’s running off 100 hour shitty electronics made in China. More than once I’ve recognized the smell of overheated electronics and discovered my LED bulb smoking with the base brown from overheating.

  9. Can’t hide the spy technology in the incandescents like the LED.
    Some of them already come set up for Smart technology.
    Can’t buy a tv that isn’t set up to spy on you anymore.

  10. Fact is that Obama Bin Lyin’ tried the same scheme in an effort to push the ChiComs bogus bulbs. Getting a severe push-back he dropped the scam tactic and now since it’s been exposed that ChinaMoney Joe Biden & Son is in their pocket he’s reviving the same. The human rights abusing Joe Biden will have to pry my incandescent bulbs from my cold dead hands.

  11. Good thing that the last time “they” tried to ban incandescent bulbs, we went and bought a lot of different wattage bulbs. Still have plenty of bulbs in storage. Extra bulbs AND were bought at pre-inflationary prices. A deal.

  12. I am so DAMN TIRED of this cox sucker! I only pray that soon, I mean SOON, his morbid, putrid, hate-filled, spiteful, light snuffs out on its own, permanently! This fucker is absolutely sick and insane! Please, God! Please!


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