Dimwitted Bint Gets Massive Applause in Miss America Contest When She Disparages President – IOTW Report

Dimwitted Bint Gets Massive Applause in Miss America Contest When She Disparages President


Miss West Virginia, Madeline Collins, garnered a positive reaction after answering her onstage question.


The query: What is the biggest issue facing the country?

“Donald Trump the biggest issue facing our country today,” Collins answered without hesitation. “Unfortunately he has caused a lot of divide in our country and until we can trust in him and the choices that he makes for our country, we cannot come united.”

The crowd at Boardwalk Hall, filled with pageant volunteers, titleholders and families of contestants, roared with applause and cheers for Collins’ response.

Collins, 23, worked as a dancer for the Walt Disney Co. and is studying for her master’s degree in social work at Columbia University.

How leftist is this audience—->

One stark misstep during that segment of competition came from Miss Nevada, Alexis Hilts, a graduate of the University of Nevada Las Vegas, where she studied biology and political science. Hilts was asked about the success of the Vegas Golden Knights hockey team, which made the Stanley Cup Final in its first season.

Hilts, 23, said the team’s performance meant a lot to the city, coming after the Oct. 1 mass shooting at a music festival in Las Vegas last year that killed 58 people.


But here’s how she put it: “They just killed it.”

Cue a collective cringe from those watching the competition.


You have to watch it around the easily triggered,  they are always busy monitoring keywords in order to be faux outraged, not able to discern who is a danger and who is simply communicating like a human being.

So this gal is toast.

(Did I just trigger any of you that happened to burn your toast this morning? So sorry.)


49 Comments on Dimwitted Bint Gets Massive Applause in Miss America Contest When She Disparages President

  1. Her state must be so proud. West Virginia. Had the Dowager Empress won in 2016, the coal country of West VA would still be sucking the teat of Gov’t Welfare. But Donald “Divide us” Trump won so instead they’re working to produce coal for the nation. Also less clients for her “Social work” major.

  2. This young lady has a bright future as a public relations consultant with Nike. In a second she killed the entire pageant to many true Americans. The pageant was already wounded by Carlson’s decision to eliminate the swimsuit competition and along comes this ignorant bint to give it the coup de gra.
    Rest in peace Miss America.

  3. If it’s not America, who will Miss America represent?
    Illegal aliens, indigent, losers, abusers and the mentally ill social justice perverts?

    Change the name to Antifa cis america wearing burkas.

  4. No way it wins, but I can see it going straight to work for children services taking kids away from parents that have crossed a line somehow. Meanwhile helping to put the kids into a hell hole foster care home then making the parents pay for it.

  5. The future of the new progressive Miss America – unatractive, muscle bound, lesbian, leftist tool contestants and the lowest television ratings in its history. Bye, Miss Felicia.

  6. I’m from WVA and there is no way this person exemplifies WVA. With all the Scotch-Irish beauties in this State, what political cabal found and installed this african?

    Might as well have a blond wearing the Miss Harlem sash.

  7. W. Virginians are big Trump supporters. That doesn’t make it unanimous support but I suspect indoctrination at Columbia University has a lot to do with her leftist views.

    She probably also believes Trump is a danger to a free press because he attacks “fake news”. Yet remains blind to the fact that it was Obama that tracked and tapped the emails and phone calls of several reporters, even extending to the reporters’ parents in some cases that was much greater threat to a free press.

  8. Reggie always said I was his “Wet Vagina!” then he’d push my head down into … well … whatever he wanted to push it into! Gosh! That was a MAN!

    He used to slap me while he … well … y’all prolly don’t want to hear about that …

  9. Looks like W. VA took the new rules of not using looks or bathing suit figures as criteria seriously. I’m betting she comes in as second or first runner up so Gretchen and her minions can feel self righteous.


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