Dina Powell, a Valerie Jarrett/Huma Abedin Pal, Should Not Be UN Ambassador – IOTW Report

Dina Powell, a Valerie Jarrett/Huma Abedin Pal, Should Not Be UN Ambassador

You don’t drain the swamp by appointing the swamp.

Front Page: President Trump came in promising to drain the swamp. Dina Powell is the swamp. You can see her out there at the Clinton Global Initiative, next to Samantha Power, palling around with Valerie Jarrett or Huma Abedin.

Dina Habib Powell was an influential figure in the Bush administration. The Egyptian-American immigrant had served as a gatekeeper for George W. Bush. If you wanted a job, you went through her. Barely 30, Habib Powell had more power than many of the big Bush era names you do know.

Then she took on the mission of promoting America to the Muslim world at the State Department. There were cultural exchanges with Iran and money for Lebanon and the Palestinian Authority. Afterward it was off to make millions through philanthropy at the Goldman Sachs Foundation.

Habib Powell had all the right friends. Like Valerie Jarrett. Arianna Huffington praised the White House for bringing her in. Her ex-husband heads up Teneo Strategy: the organization created by the same man who made the Clinton Foundation happen and which employed Huma Abedin.

You could see her posing next to Huma, Arianna and a Saudi princess. You can see her photographed at the American Task Force of Palestine gala. The ATFP was originally Rashid Khalidi’s American Committee on Jerusalem. Khalidi was the former PLO spokesman at the center of the Obama tape scandal. And Habib Powell was there as a presenter at the Middle East Institute after a speech by the PLO’s Hanan Ashrawi.

Unlike McFarland, Habib Powell had no national security background. But though her parents were Christians, she had the “right” views on Islam. In Egypt, she had described how Bush after September 11 had, “visited a mosque, took off his shoes and paid his respects.” “I see the president talk of Islam as a religion of peace, I see him host an iftar every year.” Habib Powell had attended such an iftar dinner.

Habib Powell has been described as the Republican Huma Abedin. And she was quoted as saying that Abedin “feels a deep responsibility to encourage more mutual understanding between her beliefs and culture and American culture.”

And Powell has been on cheerful terms with at least one Obama unmasker. And with Clintonworld people.

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8 Comments on Dina Powell, a Valerie Jarrett/Huma Abedin Pal, Should Not Be UN Ambassador

  1. John Bolton should have been named yesterday. The kooks are in full tilt mode right now, that move would send them into full on screaming meltdown just before the midterm elections and in their own words – the world is watching.

  2. She literally reeks of swamp gas (or is it a feminine hygiene problem or both?)… Bolton I have heard is a Bushie Era NeoCon, is that right?? Michael Savage sure whines about him.

  3. I heard that ethanol bullshit yesterday evening while running errands and about drove into the ditch. Cut all ethanol subsidies/mandates/tax breaks and if they can find a way to sell the shit and make it profitable then more power to em. If they can’t then tough shit.

  4. Yesterday with news of possibly nominating this woman along with 15% ethanol was not a good day. The ethanol bullshit pissed many people off who were fired up over democrats showing what evil idiots they are.
    Iowa and Nebraska love ethanol the rest of the country doesn’t. That is one drawback to Trump being a rich man from New York, he’s listening to others and not deplorables.
    The facts as all of us know and not studies prove it causes decreased gas mileage and lessens the life of engines and pretty much destroys small engines. Who really cares what Indy does they run their engines once and tear them apart, they run them because ethanol does make more HP, that’s why many hobby racers starting using alcohol, but the reason many alcohol users stopped using alcohol is because of the costs of opening up motors replacing parts damaged by alcohol so often.

    You put 10 or 15% ethanol gas next to a 100% gas pump with the same price for gallon and nobody is going to buy the ethanol shit. Even the people with flex fuel vehicles rarely buy the much cheaper 85 shit because it makes their mileage is less.

  5. This might be similar to the time a year or so ago that PDJT suggested a National waiting period for firearms purchases. Let’s see how this plays…..

    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell


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