Dinesh D’Souza: Why The FBI Sets Up American Citizens – IOTW Report

Dinesh D’Souza: Why The FBI Sets Up American Citizens

Why did the FBI entrap the Michigan defendants in the Whitmer kidnapping scheme? The first reason was to help Biden. The second has a lot to do with keeping public fear alive, so that money keeps flowing into the coffers of the Deep State. watch

6 Comments on Dinesh D’Souza: Why The FBI Sets Up American Citizens

  1. They are traitors: traitors to their oaths, traitors to the Constitution, and traitors to the citizens of the land of their births.

    They set up Americans to instill terror.
    To atomize society – same as the GESTAPO and the KGB did.

    For example, the KGB would infiltrate nationalist (of the various “Republics” of the SSR) student groups, incite them to ill-considered remarks, and then arrest and execute them (or send them to the GULAG).

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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