Dinesh Understands the Difference Between Hillary Clinton and a Blowhard Populist Who is Learning On the Job About How To Make America Great Again – IOTW Report

Dinesh Understands the Difference Between Hillary Clinton and a Blowhard Populist Who is Learning On the Job About How To Make America Great Again

I stipulated long ago that Donald Trump has a flawed personality. (I actually put it in harsher terms, but let’s start to be kind, shall we?)

Trump is meandering through the miasma of it all, but he’s managed to identify what truly stinks about America – illegal immigration, infiltration of Islam, lack of manufacturing jobs, a PC culture run amok, falling stature of America on the global stage, an increasingly impotent military kneecapped by idiotic rules of engagement, and continual attempts at gun grabbing. I believe he is earnest when he lists these problems. I don’t think he’s faking it.

He understands that America is poised to be taken out as top dog and that the left is, at best, not worried by that, and at worst, giddy with that. Trump is a nationalist, the left are globalists. Obama wants America to just be another country, no better, no more powerful, no more prosperous than any other. Clinton vows to carry Obama’s agenda forward. That has to be stopped.

Trump is not slick, not polished and prone to doing and saying stupid things. These things have been blown up out of all proportion by his enemies on the right to the point where they’ve convinced themselves that he is “worse than Hillary.” That is simply not possible.

I’ve read people on other sites saying this is all a grand plan to hand Hillary the white house, that Trump is in cahoots with her because, among other reasons, Hillary is going to award him government contracts. That’s quite a plan.

Dinesh D’Souza is troubled by #NeverTrump:

“We HAVE to get over these crazy divisions. It is time for us to ALL realize that the American dream is HANGING IN THE BALANCE! We DON’T have TIME for PETTY differences within our party. Democrats win because of their greater DRIVE for victory and superior ground strategy, but WE are the wealth CREATORS in this country. It is OUR wealth they want to TAKE! The Democrats are playing to win; we are playing as if it’s for the fun of the game. We have been fighting in one corner of the battlefield and they have been doing the long march through the institutions of our culture. We CAN change that this year. My call to my friends, family, fans, and followers is the following:‪#‎NeverHillary‬! – Dinesh D’Souza – An intelligent, mature, rational, adult Conservative who wants to WIN.

I want to clarify one thing. When D-Souza says “conservative,” he in no way is implying that Trump is a conservative. He is not. We all know that. He is merely saying that the correct position for a conservative, given the cards we have been dealt, would be to stop Hillary at all costs.

That is why I simply shake my head when the #NeverTrump coalition claims that Trump is going to set conservatism back 20 years, while they simultaneously say that Trump is a lefty. Can they not see the cognitive white noise in their own argument?

Wouldn’t the correct lament be, according to their own beliefs, that he’d set back sneaky democrats trying to win on the republican ticket for the next 20 years?

Another comment I keep hearing is that Clinton would be better because the hill will be able to control her, as if there is some compelling reason the hill could not control Trump if he is actually planning on pulling off the largest switcheroo in U.S. history. (Yeah, yeah, lots of people would snarkily say that Trump is openly a lefty, so no switcheroo is necessary. That’s preposterous. You can say you don’t believe Trump’s rhetoric, but the rhetoric is not at all leftist.)

I’m chalking up these theories to faulty thinking during the fog of war, the war that has been,realistically, lost by the Trump haters.

6 months and counting. Lots of people need to come to the realization that either Hillary or Trump will be president. Which one do you want? Saying neither is quaint, but neither is not an option. Which one serves you better if you’re conservative?

(Hint: the answer is not Hillary.)


28 Comments on Dinesh Understands the Difference Between Hillary Clinton and a Blowhard Populist Who is Learning On the Job About How To Make America Great Again

  1. How is Trump not Conservative? He’s for strong borders, controlling immigration, robust economy, strong military, free AND fair trade, and against gun control and abortion (with exceptions).

    Conservatism in government is actually what gets done, not what someone says. It is up to the Republicans in the House and senate to pass Conservative legislation. The President can identify problems and present his solution, but Congress is the one who writes the law.

  2. Here’s the thing. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see what’s wrong. Muslims bring nothing but problems anywhere they go in fact, no group attracted to welfare states bring anything good.

    First step to getting out of the hole is putting down the shovel and that’s exactly what he proposed, in very simple terms.

    Does he still have the misguided idea that the welfare state which attracted them in the first place is viable? Probably, yes, but maybe we can work on that.

    But if we don’t stop all illegal immigration and drastically curtail legal immigration it’s game over. The welfare state we see today will be nothing by comparison to what this bunch will demand. . . and get.

    Nothing resembling conservative positions as defined by pretty much anybody will ever get traction if we don’t stop and reverse the demographic driven destruction of the United States. And I think Trump realizes that.

  3. The candidate that can be credited with bringing conservative ideas and discussions to this election is Donald Trump. I am looking forward to supporting him.

  4. “That is why I simply shake my head when the #NeverTrump coalition claims that Trump is going to set conservatism back 20 years, while they simultaneously say that Trump is a lefty. … Wouldn’t the correct lament be, according to their own beliefs, that he’d set back sneaky democrats trying to win on the republican ticket for the next 20 years?”

    No. I think the correct way to slap “whiny conservatives” in the face is to respond:

    If you think Trump will set back conservatism 20 years, DON’T FORGET the Left will set it back 120 years. Now, quit yer whining!

  5. Well, can the #Never Trump crowd propose an alternative candidate who has Trump’s grasp of management and finance?

    Hillary Clinton couldn’t manage her way out of a paper bag. Yes, she’s that incompetent. Look at her tour of duty at State. She spent most of her four years planning her presidential bid, working on Clinton Foundation business, sending and deleting thousands of “personal” e-mails, and (my favorites) haranguing Huma Abedin to fetch her carrot-and-hummus snacks and look up the time of her favorite teevee shows. I’m mostly quite unsympathetic to Huma, but Hillary treats her like an intern when she has almost two decades of work experience and a college degree.

    As for finance, Hillary’s take on money is that it doesn’t matter except to the extent that she can get her grubby little hands on it. The Federal debt is something for “the little people” to worry about.

  6. Rich Hahn,

    Trump is for Kelo v. New London.
    That, to me, is as antithetical to conservatism as one could get.
    But it’s not a deal breaker in the face of Hillary.

    Trump still has not apologized to Pamela Geller. His position on Garland is also antithetical to conservatism.
    Still, not a deal breaker in the face of Hillary.

    Touchback is not a conservative principle, although we’d be hard pressed to call his stance on immigration anything but hard right when you compare it to Hillary.

    Even if he says he will repeal Obamacare but still come up with an apparatus where “everyone is covered in America and won’t die in the streets” I am willing to hear him out and work through it rather than have Hillary implement single payer.

    I’m not saying Trump is a lefty, I’m not even saying he’s a democrat, (I’ll leave that to the haters who desperately want to materialize their delusions,) I’m just saying that I don’t even want to have that fight with the NeverTrumpers.

    I can stipulate he’s not a conservative and win the argument I’m currently having with them.

  7. This whole tactic of marginalizing, shouting down, and ridiculing dissent is tearing the Republican party apart.
    I was opposed to both McCain and Romney, by the way, they both won in the same fashion as Trump – the open primaries and the left leaning states, but I never got called names or accused of working for the other party or threatened. I held my nose and voted for both.
    The real difference in this election is that there is a concerted effort to drive out anyone who does not idolize Trump.
    A lot of republicans who will not vote for Trump in the general as actually voting against what you all have been doing.
    There are even dummies pushing the idea that there was no opposition to McCain or Romney (was it not real because it didn’t have a hashtag? Surely some of you are old enough to remember that hashtags haven’t always been around). Remember “I’ll open a vein before I’ll vote for McCain?”
    Now it has devolved to the point where faint praise is a positive.
    I think, deep down, Trumpers don’t want to win.

  8. I’d prefer it if Trump set back Conservatism by about 36 years. That’s when Reagan got his start as President. Maybe it has to be re-calibrated cuz it hasn’t gained much ground lately.
    Now I’m not really comparing Trump to Reagan, but there are similarities. I remember when Reagan was running and the Liberal Left was apoplectic about it, calling him a stupid actor that didn’t know what he was doing who was going to get us all killed and ruin the country in the process. Along with that was Iran and the age question. Trump doesn’t have the Savoir faire and finesse that Reagan had, but he does have the right idea on where we need to go. The Left is willing to fight and rabble-rouse to get what they want while we are too busy acting civilized and earning a living for our families. We have to learn how to fight, without getting fired by some Leftist snowflake, who would love nothing better than to bring us down to their level of Suck!

  9. “shipping our jobs offshore”

    They are not being “shipped” – they are being forced.

    Caught amongst the IRS, the EPA, and the DOJ they haven’t got a chance. And those are not conservative agencies. They are wholly-owned subsidiaries of our nationalized socialism (Demonrats).

    izlamo delenda est …

  10. It seems that the current ranting RINO conservatives, have done everything they can to bury conservative values,

    They have been cooperating with Obama at every juncture, lying to their constituents, and not doing a damn thing to protect the integrity of our military, judicial system, or to stop the run away spending, as well as the unvetted flood crossing our borders.

    Since when has Ryan, Boehner, McConnell, Graham or any of the rest stopped the erosion of the conservative values of America? Two/faced, liberal complicit, power hungry bastards.

    Shut the hell up and do something to show you are not the traitorous crybabies you are displaying to the world.

  11. Tim
    Semantics.But worse than you describe. Our Federal Government is still subsidizing Federal Contractors the ship their machined parts off shore to get fabricated. How can I compete with that?

  12. JohnS,
    I don’t worship Trump and I don’t feel like I’m being forced away from him.
    I have thousands of people read my opinion and but for 2 or 3 people I’ve never felt that “there is a concerted effort to drive out anyone who does not idolize Trump.”

    And what difference would it make to me anyway if I decided Trump was the best candidate for me and some ardent supported demanded I lick Trump’s taint.
    Why would that matter to me?

    That would be like me deciding I don’t like The Beatles anymore because “too many people say they are the best band in the world.”

    That’s adolescent thinking.

  13. B_B,
    I don’t know. I’m not a businessman.
    Just a poor dumb plumber.

    But I think we can safely assume that our gov’t is not looking out for our best interests. In fact, I can declare, categorically, that our gov’t is working AGAINST our best interests – and that should give us all pause.

    izlamo delenda est …

  14. csteventucker

    Don’t feed the trolls…..if I see a JohnS post, I pass by. His tripe isn’t worth reading. I don’t suffer fools.

    joe6pak nailed it. What have the Republican, who call themselves “Conservatives”, done for us?

    People seem to forget, but John McStain and other “Conservatives” also asked the IRS to investigate Tea Party groups. There is a reason the IRS investigation goes nowhere. The IRS policy of suppressing the Tea Party groups served both parties well.

    The reality is the GOPe despises conservatives and they have done everything in their power to alienate us and drive us from the party. They were quite content to see us drop out and become independents. It makes it easier for their candidates to win in the primaries.

    I am very glad Trump brought up the issues I hold dear to my heart, including immigration.

    I don’t want my birth right debased by granting amnesty to millions of illegal aliens. I want them deported, and those who hire them fined or imprisoned. Is it not “Conservative” to support law and order?”

    None of the other “Conservative” in the political class would have even mentioned any of them. Trump stuck to his guns and fought off the most aggressive assault I have ever seen launched against a candidate by his own “side”.

    Trump 2016!

    Also, I truly hope Paul Ryan, a classic GOPe “Conservative” gets canned in the primary. Trump can stop the bleeding, but there will still be a lot of house cleaning to do in 2018 ans 2020.

  15. Fur. Don’t take things so personally.
    Note the second post below the one I made.
    That being said, you have also been guilty of the same types of things and making accusations you knew were false to back up others doing it.
    This is why the convention is going to be ugly. Trump saw value in this kind of activity or he wouldn’t have supported and egged it on. Now it has become reflexive and I seriously doubt that he can control this beast he created.
    I, like countless others, went from being a Trump supporter to having a visceral dislike for the man due to the complete shutdown of political conversation.
    History is replete with men who use crowds and the threat of crowds to attain power. Maybe Trump will be the first one in history to end up not being a very bad guy. Anything is possible, but the odds are real long.

  16. JohnS, I agree with you. I’m not a Trump supporter, but I would never be a NeverTrumper. I do believe that Trump needs to stop being a blow hard and start being less controversial. He already has his supporters, now he has to expand his base. I don’t think he can do it, but I want him to beat the Clintons, just like I wanted McCain and Romney to beat Obama. To everyone who thinks that rational thinking conservatives are traitors for not being enthusiastic about Trump’s chances, I say start trying to convert Independents or Democrats. Most conservatives will vote for Trump for fear of four years of Clinton.

  17. Marco:
    First of all congrats for not being a Never Trumper.
    However you wrote;

    “. I do believe that Trump needs to stop being a blow hard and start being less controversial.”

    Any idea why he was doing that? Most Trump fans figured it out pretty quickly,

  18. rich hahn
    May 8, 2016 at 1:48 pm
    How is Trump not Conservative? He’s for strong borders, controlling immigration, robust economy, strong military, free AND fair trade, and against gun control and abortion (with exceptions).

    Conservatism in government is actually what gets done, not what someone says. It is up to the Republicans in the House and senate to pass Conservative legislation. The President can identify problems and present his solution, but Congress is the one who writes the law.

    Because he was never for any of these things until recently running for president. Both are going to collapse America, and both are leftist. Just one is fooling you by trying to tell you he is not one while the other one is all to proud to tell she is a liberal. I will have no part in picking either one of these two that will put that proverbial final nail in the coffin. Maybe when a complete collapse comes we can get a secession movement going for a independent Florida

  19. B_B, He got everyone’s attention. I liked what he was saying, I just think it’s way past time for him to start sounding more serious about the problems facing the country and the world. He had me when he made his announcement, but he lost me fairly fast after that. My vote doesn’t matter, because I will vote a straight Republican ticket, just as I’ve done all my life. If you think he can get elected without broadening his base, take a look at Romney’s attempt to get elected. How many millions of motorcyclists who never voted in their lives do you think will suddenly register and turn out to vote for someone who finally expresses their thoughts about the illegal immigrants flooding this country? And if everyone who likes Trump votes, will they vote in states with enough electoral votes to defeat Hillary? Ronald Reagan couldn’t get elected Governor of California today, much less carry the state as a Republican running for President. Now, you tell me where I’m wrong, and just how Trump gets elected without the Independent voters or more women, much less Hispanics or American-Africans?

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