Dinner’s On! – IOTW Report

Dinner’s On!

Images from:

2 Corona (Durango)
4 Eugenia (Rupert Jughead)
5 Corky
9 Conservative Cowgirl
10 Eugenia

The rest of the images are courtesy of pixabay.com

Want your critter pictures in an upcoming Sunday Critters? Please *email them to:


*We have received some messages that their emails have bounced back undelivered. I verified that this email address is still working and have received a few pictures this last week. If this happened to you, check with your email provider to see if you are limited to only a small number or size of file which you can send. It is possible that you are sending too many files (images) or one image is too large. Also, I had not been sending reply emails when I receive your images. I just started to do that last week to assure you that I have received your email. You donโ€™t need to respond to my email, it is only to let you know I received your picture(s).

The images you send must be a picture you (or family/friend) took and are willing to let us publish them on this site. Do not send any images you found on the internet.

Use ‘Critters’ in the subject line. Include your screen name in the body of the email. Tell me the name of your critter so I can include it with your screen name. Let us know in the comments any other info you want to share!

Patriotic critter themed photographs
Sweet or unusual faces of critters
Critters at bath-time


10 Comments on Dinner’s On!

  1. Great pics. The fishing ducks?, geese? pelicans? reminded me when we lived on the river. Migrating pelicans would arrive for a while. It was magical watching them form a semi-circle and paddle slowly toward to shore, herding the fish to shallower water. Then, as one, they would duck their heads in the water with their butts in the air. I called it the pelican ballet and it was fun to watch.

  2. That raccoon is adorable. The cats are part of my TNVR’d
    feral colony who live on our property. Rupert, Isabella, Esmeralda and Lizzie. Brutus Spud and Rufus Doofus Ferd Farkel are not in the picture.

  3. Eugenia- The cats in your pic remind me of my rescue cats. The black one looks like HouseCat #1 (RIP, Flimsy.) She was a mighty hunter and used to bring home the catch of the day for approval.
    The large dilute tabby on the left looks like HC#2, the Best Cat Ever. He was a little guy, with the loudest purr and the longest whiskers of all.
    My current HC#3 resembles the marble tabby eating from the red bowl.
    He’s a feral cat about 4 yrs old now, was very wild but finally starting to settle down a little. He still runs around the place like a maniac on occasion, very amusing. I call him TRex.


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