Dire Border Conditions Biden Does NOT Want You To See: Migrants are Locked in CAGES in 113F Arizona Desert – IOTW Report

Dire Border Conditions Biden Does NOT Want You To See: Migrants are Locked in CAGES in 113F Arizona Desert

It’s okay. Those are progressive cages- they are nicer than right wing cages.


The U.S. Border Patrol is holding migrants in an outdoor cage in the baking Arizona desert as officers try to cope with a fresh surge people in people crossing from Mexico.

DailyMail.com pictures show people crammed onto narrow benches as they seek out shade to protect them from the burning sun in a region where temperatures are expected to hit 113F at the weekend.

Figures can be seen taking it in turns to stand in front of a giant fan at Ajo Border Patrol station.

The site is in the remote desert, about two hours west of Tucson. The area is at the heart of a surge in migrant arrivals, undermining Biden administration hopes that its new immigration restrictions are having an impact.

And the increase marks a reversal of the normal pattern, when arrivals tail off amid the extreme heat of the summer. 


12 Comments on Dire Border Conditions Biden Does NOT Want You To See: Migrants are Locked in CAGES in 113F Arizona Desert

  1. The Psychopath-in-Charge is no different from all previous psychopaths who ascended to power by any means possible (including rigging elections, deprivation of speech, artificial division, etc.). He joins the long list of psychopaths ranging from Pol Pot, Lenin, Stalin, Mao and others up to the present.

    The real story of the amount of devastation that has transpired to our Country since he opened the borders has yet to be told. Not sure if our Country will survive this very much longer unless this is stopped.

  2. Not my problem.
    You came & invaded us, we didn’t come to you.
    Don’t like it? Go back home.


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