Direct TV shamed into waiving “early termination” fee after 102 year-old passes away – IOTW Report

Direct TV shamed into waiving “early termination” fee after 102 year-old passes away

Isabel Albright had caregivers while in hospice. The family set up another box in a back room where the caregivers would sleep. They told Direct TV that this was temporary because this was a special circumstance that would most likely end before any 2 year contract.

When Isabel passed away they out the house up for sale and canceled Direct TV. The received a bill for $160. Isabel “terminated” too early.

Yes, it’s only $160, but this story perfectly illustrates how sleazy cable and satellite tv companies are. They will nickel and dime you to death. Meanwhile, when the cable goes out for the world series opener (that happened to me!), they offer you a 2 dollar credit. (This also happened to me.)

They suck.


ht/ jd hasty

19 Comments on Direct TV shamed into waiving “early termination” fee after 102 year-old passes away

  1. That’s why I have an antenna. Between dealing with those idiots and comcast I’d rather watch a puppet show at the library. (But now that would be done by cross dressing psychopaths)

  2. I happen to have a wife that bird dogs Directtv every single month about this charge and that. Every month she hounds them to get a few bucks here and there.
    She doesn’t put up with SriLankan customer support either, demanding to be forwarded to a native English speaker.

    She’s a total bitch with DTv every month.

    If you would like her to be your intermediary she’s available. Haha.

  3. DTV was good when it was Hughes. You owned the equipment, no fees or taxes…..49.95 a month was 49.95.
    Then came the gubbermint with the taxes, then they sold to newscorp and immediately began a cable tv model…..they fee’d and taxed the crap out of me.
    I quit shortly after. That was a dozen or more years ago.
    I get 31 channels with an antenna.

  4. I”m actually stuck. I live in a part of the U.S. where, believe it or not, you get NO over-the-air signals and there’s no cable TV company. If you don’t use DTV or Dish, you don’t get television. It doesn’t mean I still don’t hate them. Same goes for Sirius.

  5. Every once in awhile a thread like this comes along that reminds me I have an antenna in this house somewhere that would enable us to get regular TV (we don’t have cable). I think we put it up and it doesn’t stay up so we just let it go and it flies off our radar.

    It’s laziness, sure, but I also don’t care enough about TV to actually do something about it. Hey, if it takes CNN and MSNBC out of my living room, can’t be all bad to be off the track the rest of the world is on, hey? Plus, for about the first eight years of his life my son didn’t know what a commercial was, which helped ease the way through the grocery aisles.

  6. I tried them for my kids and let’s just say they screwed with the wrong guy when they tried to screw me out of a $400 early termination fee after I told them to unhook it two days after it was installed. Washington State law gives the consumer all kind of protection, but you have to understand where the mileposts are and miss a deadline.

  7. Here is one important thing to remember if you are thinking about trying them out. Sign up at Costco. Call Costco Corporate if they give you any shit and they knock it off pronto.

  8. Brown Eyed Girl, you obviously have internet. Try Free and carries all the alphabet networks and many others. For T.V. guide go to

  9. @BFH – IKR! Yesterday I had to leave work 1.5 hours early in order to be home for a service appointment from my Internets provider.

    The guy fixed the problem quickly by replacing our shit the bed router. But literally within minutes a Customer Service rep knocks on the door, offering to bundle this, upgrade that. I bundled him the hell off my property.

    Anyway, now I’m back to watching YouTube clips of Dachshunds plotting to take over the world and shit


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