Dirtbag Leftist Obnoxiously Disrupts College Republican Meeting – IOTW Report

Dirtbag Leftist Obnoxiously Disrupts College Republican Meeting

ht/ c. Steven Tucker

36 Comments on Dirtbag Leftist Obnoxiously Disrupts College Republican Meeting

  1. Why don’t they take it to these turds? Just surround him with cell phones glaring and mock him to the heavens. Jettison their program and make him the program. So easy to mock. These Conservatives have to make a battle plan for these situations.

  2. I hate to say it, but these people will not change their ways until someone hurts them. They respect nothing else. They’ve reduced the argument down to the lowest common denominator.

  3. I remember reading about a small town bully that always got away with being a jackass. Finally a couple people shot him, in broad daylight, as he was sitting in his pickup, on a city street. What is unusual is that nobody in town saw a thing. I don’t know why I thought of this, it just came to mind.

    I read the book! Fascinating. – bfh

  4. WTH? The campus cops just stood there? Are there no laws in that state regarding disturbing the peace?
    Repeat those antics at a democrap meeting on campus and see where it gets you.

  5. Both jackasses were looking for any action that could be called assault. The trick is to go at him with his own antics, but with more intensity than he does and force him to contact you. Just make sure it is on camera.

  6. I would have handed him the phone and said (loudly, so the camera phones could pick it up): “It’s your mom. She wants to remind you that she’s picking you up for your orthodontist appointment today.”

  7. Our colleges teach White students that they are immoral and contemptible if they don’t support the ongoing program of White genocide that is being carried out by massive 3rd world immigration and forced assimilation in Every and Only White counties.
    Their professors will never tell them that, “White self-hatred is SICK!!!”

  8. That foghorn idea is a good one, and it would have drowned out the punk’s cowbell. Campus Repubs got to fight fire with fire.

    That would be better than standing around like smiling idiots doing nothing.

    For next time, be armed with noise makers of all kinds. Blow them loud in the punks’ eardrums till he leaves.

  9. Those campus Repubs were beat by a weasel. We gotta do a lot better than that.

    Why would that one Repub hold out his hand to shake the hand of that hostile punk? Why? He made himself look pretty foolish.

    As someone pointed out – prepare to be invaded by leftist weasels and prepare counter defenses.

  10. All campus conservative groups should watch this video and learn from it.

    It sickens and angers me that the little shitbag got away with it.

    Before the next meeting, figure out how to combat this crap and WIN. Blare horns in his face, shine strong lights at him, shove multiple copies of the DofE in his goddamned face.

    This can’t happen any more. Republicans have a right to meet on campus. Don’t let this happen. But combat it in a way that doesn’t get Republicans thrown in jail.

  11. They could have surrounded the little shit and yelled “TRUMP WINS” or “OCCASIO-CORTEX HAS SHIT FOR BRAINS” or a bunch of other things.

    But instead, the Republicans did nothing. I’m ashamed. Not good.


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