Dirty Harry on Feminism and Women’s Quotas – IOTW Report

Dirty Harry on Feminism and Women’s Quotas

ht/ Joe 6 Pack

14 Comments on Dirty Harry on Feminism and Women’s Quotas

  1. My take on this is quite simple. Let ’em in but with the understanding that there will be no concessions of any kind be made. If she fails or dies, that is her problem alone. Either train and get better than everyone else or make sure your health and life insurance is up to date.

    Afterall, if men and women are the same, why would accomodations need to be made?

  2. Tyne Daley was married to that black guy who did something or another. I never could stand her. She turned my stomach every time I saw her. Don’t know why, really. It could have been that she is a goblin or that she can’t act. That’s just the way it is.


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