Dirty Harry Reid and the case of the $2,000,000 bribe – IOTW Report

Dirty Harry Reid and the case of the $2,000,000 bribe

How is this story flying under the radar? It’s about a frustrated prosecutor’s attempt to connect Harry Reid to a $2,000,000 bribe by online poker gambling entrepreneurs.

There’s a guy on the record, who went to jail, saying he gave bribes to Harry Reid.

The prosecutor says he’s run into a brick wall and the feds are telling him to lay off Reid.

read here

ht/ brown-eyed girl

17 Comments on Dirty Harry Reid and the case of the $2,000,000 bribe

  1. Here’s another example of real news having trouble breaking through the Democrat Media Mafia’s stonewall.
    – Whether the guy is truthful or not the accusation is real news.

  2. Isn’t it amazing how these scumbags go into Congress relatively poor, make $170,000/year, which realistically just covers living in DC and amass millions of dollars of net worth?

    Didn’t this POS live at the DC Ritz-Carlton? In his own condo? Sheeesh.

    Nice gig if you can get it I guess. DC is a fucking cesspool.

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