“Disastrous” COVID decisions – IOTW Report

“Disastrous” COVID decisions

A professor of medicine at Stanford says bad assumptions and incorrect data models caused an out-of-control COVID response.

11 Comments on “Disastrous” COVID decisions

  1. “You don’t have to be a weatherman to know which way the wind blows.”

    “Bad assumptions and incorrect data?”
    How bout “lies and distortions?”

    If the results of the “bad assumptions and incorrect data” didn’t have a definite political direction, one might be able to chalk it up thus. But to be so consistently, irrationally “wrong” – begs other description.

    A man may nick his hand using a jig-saw (reciprocating saw) but if he cuts off his thumb, and then proceeds to cut off his fingers! – chances are – he has a definite intent. The “scientific” community makes many imbecilic declarations – and most of them are politically founded – having no relation to “science” – those that seem to be “scientifically” related are usually just better disguised.
    Real science goes unheralded, unannounced, and unappreciated (for the most part).

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. A question:

    What percentage of those listed as dying from the virus were already dying and expected to die within the year anyway?

    If there has been any scientific study of the virus this information should be readily available.

    Your local county and State health departments, the ones behind giving you the social isolation and mask orders, should have this information readily available by now so take a few minutes and call them and ask for it. Go on your local call in radio shows and report your results to get the information to a larger audience so they too can make intelligent and informed decisions about it.

    That is, of course, assuming your Health departments are serving the purpose of public health and not just propaganda mills for some dictated political agenda with an entirely different purpose.

    So do it, it doesn’t take much longer than it does to read articles and make comments about them, and it is actually more informative for the most part.

  3. So many screw ups from so many health department folks, we’d all be dead if an actual “deadly virus” arrived on earth. We might as well be back in the 1500s. And to think we over pay these guys.

  4. “There is often so much politics in medicine that being right can actually get you into trouble.”, Ken D. Berry, author of – “Lies My Doctor Told Me – medical myths that can harm your health”

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