guns and nuns

A Girl And A Gun: In 1651, Thomas Hobbes wrote that free people consent to give up their individual rights in order to establish a political community, i.e., civil society, which establishes laws so that everyone can enjoy security. Although simplistic, this theory supports the following arguments for gun control:

  1. Private citizens should give up the right to own military-style weapons, so that a violent person cannot get one to use on innocent people. In our First World society, we have police, sheriffs, constables, SWAT teams, reservists, military, Special Forces, and a variety of teams that can respond to an emergency at a moment’s notice. If military weapons are needed, a cadre of weapons can arrive with expertly trained professionals.
  2. Citizens who want guns should give up the right of privacy so that they can be vetted to keep guns out of the wrong hands. If you don’t have anything to hide, you should submit to a background check. The government can keep a registry so that if a gun is passed to a new owner it can be tracked so that it is not used unlawfully.
  3. Gun owners should give up the right to buy large quantities of ammunition, so that a violent person cannot obtain thousands of rounds of ammo. Similarly, gun owners should use smaller magazines to limit the round count so that if someone uses a gun unlawfully there may be fewer fatalities.
  4. Lastly, it doesn’t support Hobbes’ theory, but this argument often accompanies the previous ones: The NRA should be universally recognized as a heartless political engine that is funded by firearm manufacturers for profit and it mocks the deaths of innocent people.

I spent many years making these arguments in support of gun control. I cried out, “Enough is enough!” when another senseless murder happened because of a gun. I reviled politicians who were in the NRA’s pockets. I didn’t let my kids play with toy guns. I wanted to end America’s obsession with destruction and start a new generation of we’re-all-in-this-together, rational human beings.

Then I bought a gun.


  1. Discernable judgment is something is young woman has. She investigated the other side of the story and found falsehood in her beliefs. Most folks are too blinded by their ideology and conning to find the truth.

  2. “A new prince has never been known to disarm his subjects, on the contrary, when he has found them disarmed he has always armed them, for by arming them these arms become your own, those that you suspected become faithful and those that were faithful remain so, and from being merely subjects become your partisans… . But when you disarm them, you commence to offend them and show that you distrust them either through cowardice or lack of confidence, and both of these opinions generate hatred against you.”
    — The Prince, Niccolo Macchiavelli 1513

  3. Seeing an error in that leaves me wondering what to think of the numbers.

    Maker of that list does not understand the definition of “homicide”. Throws everything off for me. And can’t trust other parts because of it.

  4. Wow. Tried to walk through the math and numbers and it’s a mess.

    Like looking at a story written by a schizophrenic.

    Do the math as listed how the 32,000 is divided up. Assuming the numbers used are correct for whatever they represent, you’re going to the see the derailment when you get to “33% are homicides” that’s 10,560

    It’s true 33% of 32,000 is 10,560.

    It’s also true that the total you have left after subtracting the previous items on the list from 32,000 is 10,560

    = 10,560

    Putting aside that homicide as a subset is used incorrectly here thus invalidating the formula completely – you should have zero after taking away the “homicides” – but it continues on with giving a subset of a subset and then uses that number as if it’s in addition – which is impossible since you ran out of numbers to count with “homicides = 10,560” nonsense.

  5. I agree, Bayouwulf. Love the discernable judgment in this piece.

    My only issue with the article is the use of the phrase “gun culture”.

    The “gun culture” phraseology is the perfect example of the derogatory, elitist, leftist-speak so pervasive in the MSM and it is grating to hear, even in an article that otherwise supports nearly every pro-Second Amendment stance.

    Those of us who support the Second Amendment are *not* members of any “gun culture”; we’re simply Americans who believe that the Constitution is the law of the land, and behave accordingly with respect to our God-given rights.

  6. That’s true too.

    But my “Truth” was an affirmation of his post, as in “True Dat”

    Giving “power” and thus responsibility of their work to them, raises them up. Also weeds out those who can’t handle it. I let my siding crew cut corners if the subsequent repair it was going to need came out of their pocket. You could see the light bulb come on.

    Applies universally. My game server is better kept by 55 admins than by having just a few. If one of them becomes abusive it can be taken away but that hasn’t happened in 10 years. Funny how they step up when given the ability of controlling their experience and able to help others. They hang out more too.

  7. The “gang related” subset of “homicides” (by which is probably meant “murders”) relates to the probability of being “murdered” if you live outside the ghetto. The number should have been 2112 rather than 1712, but it doesn’t change the point. The simple fact is that abortion mills kill more Americans every year than “gun violence” and yet NO ONE is crying on TV calling for them to be shut down. Roughly 850,000 abortions as opposed to 32,000 “gun” deaths – a factor of 26x.

  8. If you are saying that a “gun culture” doesn’t exist you are wrong. There are casual gun owners and then there are active gun owner that shoot every week end. Compete, train, and constantly try and improve their skill level. Oddly enough I’m noticing a lot of these people that fit into that category were non gun people when Barry took office. And just as many women as men. From one extreme to another.

  9. “Gun culture” is an epithet used by the rich “liberal” uptown set to describe the drooling, nose-picking, inbred, redneck, mullet-wearing, gun-toting, raping, murdering, bearded, toothless, ignorant, cross-eyed, racist denizens of “fly-over country.”

  10. Speak for yourself, Bad. I certainly don’t allow the elitists to condescendingly impose an epithet on me and mine.

    I do, however, proudly call myself an American.

    I have no doubt that you answer to that, as well. 🙂

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