Discovery of Fluid Channels Being Called A New Human Organ – IOTW Report

Discovery of Fluid Channels Being Called A New Human Organ

Biologists were puzzled by the strange patterns of cracks they were finding in their study of bile ducts using the latest in endoscopy technology. A pathologist at the New York School of Medicine, Neil Thiese, believes they’ve stumbled upon an unknown series of channels that move fluid throughout the body and has declared that it is an as yet unknown organ.

The discoverers are unsure of the function of this new organ, but speculate that it could act as a “shock absorber” for our internal organs. They also believe it may help explain how cancer cells move through the body. More

11 Comments on Discovery of Fluid Channels Being Called A New Human Organ

  1. Wow!
    Obola’s ass-crack’s a fluid channel!

    Maybe that’s why he was always asking Reggie to “play his organ?”
    And Moose did say it was a “pump organ.”

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. “I can no longer sit back and allow Communist infiltration, Communist indoctrination, Communist subversion and the international Communist conspiracy to sap and impurify all of our precious bodily fluids!”

  3. It is a vestigial organ that doesn’t work on DemoCRATs as it stores copious amounts of bile in their brains instead of moving it through their bodies like normal people!


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