Discuss – IOTW Report




22 Comments on Discuss

  1. There is a place called “Nigger Ridge” not far from where I live. Everybody called it that, blacks included, the road too. It had been known by that name for well over a hundred years, up until the FCC endangered the lives of the people who lived there by forbidding the use of that name on the emergency radio frequencies.
    That really screwed things up when law enforcement, emergency medical, and fire departments could no longer be dispatched to that area because the FCC would not allow the name to be mentioned on the air waves.

    After a few houses burnt to the ground due to geographical confusion, some location genius settled on a new name, “Pine Ridge”, the name of at least one other location in the same county.

    People who are “hurt” by words that are not intended to be hurtful have a mental illness that needs to be addressed.

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