Disgusting Slimy Weasel- That is Chuck Schumer- Discussing Illegal Alien Criminals and the Most Effective Way To Stop Them – IOTW Report

Disgusting Slimy Weasel- That is Chuck Schumer- Discussing Illegal Alien Criminals and the Most Effective Way To Stop Them

Either he was lying then or he is lying now.

You can’t have it both ways.

But, it’s obvious from these clips that what is going on now is that he’s rooting for the illegals to get over the border because it simple ensures that he stays in power because the left views this as boosted leftwing voter rolls, American safety be damned.


18 Comments on Disgusting Slimy Weasel- That is Chuck Schumer- Discussing Illegal Alien Criminals and the Most Effective Way To Stop Them

  1. But no fighting words for the unborn? Bet that if Conservatives demanded all unmarried women get abortions, we’d see huge outrage among the Dems. They’d fight to end abortion then.

  2. the hypocrisy is strong in Sen. Tumor.
    Damn, those pesky video tapes. My guess is that now Tumor will claim he was taken out of context which would be a blatant lie, something which he has had no problem with in the past.
    It’s hard to say if he’s the biggest weasel in congress, the field is just too rich to designate just one.
    With congress critters like him it is no wonder that congresses approval rate is in the teens.

  3. Looks like his ‘undocumented’ gardener, housekeeper, chauffer, maid, cook, mechanic and other “people doing what chuckie’s too elite to do” have brought him around to a ‘si se puede’ kinda thinking…guess democrats don’t believe they need American votes any more.

  4. The Slimy Weasels of America (Local 12, AFL-CIO) do hereby protest your comparing our membership to a vile politician in DC…..our members actually have socially redeeming value, unlike Schumer and his ilk.
    We await your retraction and your apology.


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