Dishonest Politicians?! – IOTW Report

Dishonest Politicians?!

Who Knew?

18 Comments on Dishonest Politicians?!

  1. In the absence of any particular risk, I tend to assume that everyone I meet is basically honest.

    Except for politicians, guys selling Rolex watches on a street corner, politicians, anyone asking me to bet money on knowing which walnut shell the pea is under, and politicians.

  2. I was told as a very little girl that you know a politician is lying when his lips are moving.
    After watching this crap all week, lying is the least of their problems. The Republicans were just as bad as the democrats and sadly as stupid as the guy was nominating Jeffries tonight, I do believe the Pee Wee Herman guy in the bow tie nominating McCarthy was more stupid. At least Republicans used to be able to talk with a little sense.

    I’m pretty sure my dumbest dog is smarter than 95% of them.

  3. How about starting a pool on the amount of time it’ll take Mc Carthy to blatantly reveal his inner Mitch McCornhole? Will the American public EVER realize that most politics in reality is a socially accepted form of bestiality?

  4. NAAC FJB-LGB, I read something a little while ago that he told a reporter nobody was promised anything. So if that is true sounds like he’s already doing so.

  5. Satan is the Father of All Lies – thus – Liars are the Sons of Satan.

    Politicians are Liars. Lies are the coin of their realm. Politicians lie to get into positions to plunder the American Taxpayers – PERIOD.
    It’s all about the graft – the corruption – the take – the skim.
    Some are power-hungry – but again – money is the path to power (not necessarily one’s own money – but the control and disbursement of gigantic amounts).

    Thus, the Retarded Pedophile Usurper Biden doesn’t have to actually OWN $Billions to shake down Ukraine – it is only necessary that he controls the $Billions that Ukraine wants.

    We have allowed our country to be stolen from us IN PLAIN SIGHT.

    “… those who are plainly evil, who are clearly traitors, or who aim at tyranny are thought by all mankind to be worthy of death.”

    “Yes! to this thought I hold with firm persistence;
    The last result of wisdom stamps it true:
    He only earns his freedom and existence,
    Who daily conquers it anew.”

    America is becoming the Abomination of Desolation by the filthy traitors we’ve allowed into positions of political power; whose plunder, rapine, murder, mayhem, and perversion will leave us a sneering, contemptuous memory.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  6. Did anyone see the footage of the back of a man (IDK who) leaning over Matt Gaetz on the house floor and whispering something in his ear while patting his shoulder. When he stands away from Gaetz, Gaetz looks shook to his core. Matt was told how things will be from now on and he better toe the line. It was scary and I feel like it’s a uniparty no matter what I want as a voter. I just saw the clip on TT, don’t know where to tell you to find it


    In the last 80 years there have been 2 HONEST POLITICIANS on the national scene!
    1 very successful; other had only wee success
    . Ronny was known to mean what he said and say what he meant. As a result he won 2 landslides in Cal and later 2 presidential landslides.
    Barry did ok inCongress but killed in 64! Crushed by LBJ (who got “sub rosa” help from Nixon and Bush. Barry knew what they did and said so when explaining why he worked the phones to get conservatives to vote for America on impeachment. “For me it’s personal!”! I cut prove the “Bush bRepublicans worked for LBJ; but I can prove they DID NOT WORK FOR ME!)!

    I am VERY BIASED! Voted for both Barry and Ronny. RONNY 9 TIMES!

  8. erb, I saw it, they were working him hard. Toupee guy from Alabama was pulled back.
    Then at the last minute on the adjournment they all started changing their votes to nay on adjournment and McCarthy was patting him on the back and then everyone kept shaking his hand.
    MTG ran up to get a selfie with him after the POS was elected.There’s a picture of her under his arm looking up at him all dreamy eyed and smiling.

    She was posting on social media about the phone call from Trump.

    What people don’t get is even if McCarthy made concessions, they’re no better than concessions Schumer made Manchin when you know your buddies won’t pass them.
    There are some who even believe one member can oust McCarthy. Not how that works. First it would be in the rules package, if he even follows through with it, second RINOS will have to approve it, I seriously doubt democrats are going to vote for any Republican rules package, third if it did become the rule again, one person can bring it to the floor and then the majority of the House would have to vote to remove him.


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