Disney Considers Suing California Gov. Newsom(D), Moving Jobs Out of California – IOTW Report

Disney Considers Suing California Gov. Newsom(D), Moving Jobs Out of California

RedState: When California public health officials announced guidelines for reopening theme parks that essentially guarantee that parks in Los Angeles, Orange, and San Diego counties won’t be able to open until perhaps mid-2021, heads of the respective theme parks rightfully blasted Gavin Newsom, citing their successes in reopening in other states and countries and alleging that his guidelines have no scientific basis.

The next day, the Executive Director of the California Attractions and Parks Association, of which Disney is a member, said “that a lawsuit was under consideration and ‘all options are open at this point.’”

By Thursday, sources within the industry and within Disney, speaking on condition of anonymity, stated that one option Disney was looking into was was moving as many jobs as possible out of California. Obviously the company can’t pick Disneyland up and move, but the company has a massive footprint in California, both in Los Angeles and Orange counties. WDW Pro alluded to that potential in a Thursday evening blog post. more

32 Comments on Disney Considers Suing California Gov. Newsom(D), Moving Jobs Out of California

  1. Suing’s too good for him. Grab him and strap him into one of those rides that turn you upside down and shake you till you puke. Start it up and don’t stop it for, oh, let’s say two weeks.

    Live streaming would be good. Oh, wait! They could recoup at least a little of their lost revenue by putting it on pay-per-view.

  2. If you are that big, own a shit ton of property, make that much money, have so many employees, pay so much in taxes and the top politicians still don’t care how they run things and don’t give a shit if you leave CA- then there is NOTHING to think about. Call their bluff. Get up and leave. If you leave 20 thousand employees in the wake, so be it. That means 20 thousand people somewhere else will have jobs.

    “Ohhh MJA that is SO MEAN!!!”

    Yeah, I know. But Disney is at the point where there’ll be no Disney,CA, which means everyone loses, not just the employees.
    The corporation, the visitors, their networks, and their employees.
    And I see this with the understanding that Disney brought at least 70% of this on themselves with their hard left slant.

    Disney has learned. Now it’s time to teach Newsom that lesson.
    If their mouse balls are big enough.

  3. I have a friend who was born with the Blue Pill in his mouth. He hails the Donkey. Then when the new VA gun laws took affect, he was shocked to learn that the new restrictions applied to HIM, as well. Him, a stalwart Party Man! I simply pointed out that as he has steadfastly voted to take away the rights of others, he shouldn’t be surprised to see his own rights taken away.

    Faintly, but ever so, I saw the epiphany wash across his eyes.

    But then we were back to talking about Russia, (no proof that it never happened). And of course, no; he hadn’t heard about Hunter since CNN doesn’t mention it.

  4. “It’s a world of sin,
    Where they have no shame,
    Where they all gave in,
    ‘Cause they have no brain,

    They were told,
    What to do,
    Now they’re royally screwed,
    Its way too late to grow ballz!

    It…is too late to…grow ballz,

    It…is too late to…grow ballz,

    It…is too late to…grow ballz,

    You have small…small…ballz!

    In your world your Gov,
    Said that he owns you,
    You were just OK,
    That was fine with you,

    Your rights went,
    To that hack,
    Now you can’t,
    Get them back,

    You surrendered now you’re screwed!

    You’re…a Dem and Dems…screwed you,

    You…believed them now…you’re through,

    You…kept your state co-balt blue,

    Now your rights…you…lose”

    (To the tune of “Its A Small World”)


  5. MJA is absolutely right; to build on her comment, if the government doesn’t care about an outfit like Disney, how much less do they care about regular folks? Take Tim’s advice and get outta Dodge.

  6. MMinAR – LOL! I agree. I didn’t even want the Raiders in Las Vegas.
    They’ll probably send all their shit to FL or to Paris or Japan.
    Or maybe even open up in Taiwan. I’m sure Canada has a lot of room. OF course, it’ll be the same as in CA.

  7. Disney leave Kalifornication?
    Just don’t come up to Utah. Disney being Disney, they wouldn’t like family friendly Utah (plus, we carry EVERYWHERE…………..)

  8. Liberals scream that Trump is a dictator when the real dictators are the ones that run liberal states – CA, Michigan, Illinois, NY, Oregon, Washington, Virginia…etc. In those seven states we have probably around 33%, maybe more, of the population of the US…living under tyrants.

    I don’t know where liberals get the notion that Trump is a dictator. State and local govt’s have much more impact on our daily lives. They are where tyranny exists.

  9. Aaron Burr
    OCTOBER 29, 2020 AT 7:03 PM
    “SNS looks like the old guy with a lantern from that Led Zeppelin album cover.”

    …I think that’s supposed to be Diogenes, and we already HAVE one of THOSE here, if a slightly sarcastic version thereof…

  10. If Disney picks up and leaves, they should take everything down to the bare dirt – leave nothing whatsoever for the government looters to take. No buildings, streets, electric system, sewers, water mains, no infrastructure at all. Then sell the entire property to a homeless bum for $1. Or maybe for a mere blunt. Just to give a deluxe middle-finger to Emperor Pew-some.

  11. What? No. Diggy is hott. You’re old man winter.

    Plus, I just went googled Led Zeppelin. How much did you get paid for posing for that album cover?

    P.S. it took me about 8 years to accept the fact that diggy may, in fact, be a skirt. Now that I’m reasonably sure of her chromosonal status, I naturally assume sh’s hott.


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