Disney Heiress Goes Undercover To Theme Park and Buys Into Worker’s Propaganda – IOTW Report

Disney Heiress Goes Undercover To Theme Park and Buys Into Worker’s Propaganda

market watch-

“Every single one of these people I talked to were saying, ‘I don’t know how I can maintain this face of joy and warmth when I have to go home and forage for food in other people’s garbage,’” Disney, 59, told Yahoo News host and human rights activist Zainab Salbi in an interview posted Monday.

In April, she said that Iger’s $65 million pay package is “insane” at a Fast Company Impact Council discussion of “human capitalism,” noting his compensation is 1,424 times that of the median Disney employee. She also told CNBC that “Jesus Christ himself isn’t worth 500 times his median worker’s pay.”

This isn’t the first time that Abigail Disney has criticized how the Mickey Mouse company and its CEO, Bob Iger, are treating its lowest-paid employees. The Walt Disney Co. employs more than 200,000 people worldwide.

The Walt Disney Co. responded in an email statement to MarketWatch that the company offers a starting minimum wage of $15 an hour, as well as free education opportunities, and healthcare benefits for hourly workers starting at $6 a week.

“Our Disney Aspire initiative is the most comprehensive employee education program in the country, covering 100% of all tuition costs, books and fees so our hourly workers can pursue higher education free of charge, and graduate free of debt. Under Bob Iger’s leadership, Disney has made an initial commitment of $150 million to fund this program in the first five years, and will continue to make significant investments to make Disney Aspire available to as many employees as possible,” the statement continued. “Disney also provides flexible schedules and subsidized childcare to make it easier for employees to take advantage of this opportunity — and we’re proud that more than 40% of our 88,000-plus hourly employees have already signed up to participate.”


The left started with “we need $15 an hour for minimum wage.” Now it’s not enough. It will never be enough, whatever they demand and get, until full blown socialism is implemented.

For now, the best we can do is not pay Hollywood stars more than the key grip. Okay Disney?

22 Comments on Disney Heiress Goes Undercover To Theme Park and Buys Into Worker’s Propaganda

  1. Where did little miss Disney think her dividends, expense accounts, cars, houses, meals and social status were coming from?

    She is free to give away her money but not that of others.

  2. I miss the old days when disneyland staff all looked like Barbie and Ken, and treated guests like royalty. Now they are predominantly over-weight hispanics, The park is dirty and way over-crowded. And you have to take out a second mortgage to pay for admission. F-them.

  3. Flexible schedules, my ass. There should be a huge asterdick (*) that states “Flexible Schedules for ALL BUT STAFF NON-UNION”.

    Abby is a fucking bonehead, and Iger is a fucking sleazeball.

    They can all rot.

  4. do it! close it down! … it’s a monument to the patriarchy! close it down!
    renounce your capitalist slavocractic monument & embrace the socialist way!
    DO IT!!!! … the World’s future existence depends on your stupidity sacrifice!

    DO IT, YOU TWIT!!!!

  5. Notice that the trust fund cow doesn’t take her support to the point of coughing up any amount of her dough that is enough to really hurt. Typical virtue signaling useless third generation inheritance basking trust funder piece of shit. Cunts like this are destroying this country.

  6. Blame Disney, not the idiots that are raising the cost of electricity and water (Cali. Cap and Trade), the gas prices (with the new tax that started in July), rent that costs more for a 2 bdrm. apt. than the monthly mortgage for a 5 bdrm. house, excessive regulations and corruption. Yeah, it’s all Disney’s fault.

  7. “I fight wolves with my bear (yeah, I meant BEAR) hands for food. I eat out of garbage bins and drink out of the shitter tank.”

    Fuck off.

    “I understand that if any more words come pouring out your cunt mouth, I’m gonna have to eat every fucking chicken in this room.”

  8. So according to her math, the average Disney worker is making $45K+ per year and still has to, “…forage for food in other people’s garbage.”

    Oh yeah, I almost forgot, its California. 45 grand will barely pay your taxes!


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