Disney Knew: John Lasseter Was Issued A ‘Handler’ to Protect Female Staffers from Harassment – IOTW Report

Disney Knew: John Lasseter Was Issued A ‘Handler’ to Protect Female Staffers from Harassment

Big Hollywood: To protect staffers from John Lasseter’s alleged predations, the Pixar chief was assigned a “handler to ensure he would not engage in inappropriate conduct with women, two people with direct knowledge of the situation,” told Deadline.

Deadline believes this is “evidence Disney may well have been aware of troubling behavior on the part of the digital animation pioneer.”

Lasseter is now on a six-month leave of absence following reports of inappropriate touching. The Deadline report, however, opens up a whole new series of allegations and, if true, undoubtedly proves the enabling of Lasseter was institutionalized within the Walt Disney Company:

At the animator’s insistence, Disney flew the women to a New York event. One Pixar employee became the designated escort as Lasseter took the young women out drinking one night, and to a party the following evening.

“He was inappropriate with the fairies,” said the former Pixar executive, referring to physical contact that included long hugs. “We had to have someone make sure he wasn’t alone with them.”

Another incident involved Lasseter pulling a “female executive tightly to him and move his hands over her body.” Witnesses claim the woman was “pissed” and said “being groped by John Lasseter” was not in her job description.

In 2010, Lasseter was also seen “passionately kissing a female subordinate.” This specific incident resulted in “high-level discussions about Lasseter’s conduct” within the Disney corporation. Apparently, this is when Lasseter was assigned a corporate handler.  read more

10 Comments on Disney Knew: John Lasseter Was Issued A ‘Handler’ to Protect Female Staffers from Harassment

  1. Considering how liberal Disney Corp is, covering up these types of activity would be expected. It is all about the $$$$ and the social justice….including support for LGBTQ.

  2. A daughter of a friend of mine worked as a secretary in Disney’s animation dept. in Burbank CA. She used to complain there were a lot of staffers who weren’t really doing their jobs in a timely manner or pushing work off on others. She figured out it was because of ‘sleeping arrangements’. And who was she going to complain to? The people who made the ‘sleeping arrangements’? Or their bosses, who were related or friends with them? There are places where complaining does nothing. You have to either quit or expose them. And how do you as a low-level employee, expose people who are tight with other media? Entertainment industry is nasty from the mailroom to the personal assistants to the very top. I think this is why there’s a flood of complaints. It’s a dam burst. If they don’t say it now, they can’t do it when it all dies down.

  3. Disney’s gonna be on the hook for some big payouts. Knowingly enabling these people is no different than the crime, it just results in bigger payouts! You’d better believe there are lots of lawyers salivating over the prospects of that!

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