Disney Making Disaster Movies -Box Office Disasters that Is – IOTW Report

Disney Making Disaster Movies -Box Office Disasters that Is

Fox News


Walt Disney Co. seems to have admitted “its controversial political and social agenda” has hurt the company and shareholders, according to Jonathan Turley

Turley, a George Washington University law professor and Fox News contributor, used the 300th birthday of famed economist Adam Smith, whose “invisible hand” metaphor explained how people could exercise their choice between particular products, to put a spotlight on Disney’s struggles. 

“Disney appears to acknowledge that Smith’s invisible hand is giving the ‘House of Mouse’ the middle finger. In a new corporate disclosure, Disney acknowledges that its controversial political and social agenda is costing the company and shareholders,” Turley wrote in a piece for The HillMore

More on Disney’s string of failures. Here

8 Comments on Disney Making Disaster Movies -Box Office Disasters that Is

  1. Turns out normal people don’t go along with the queer agenda. Who’d a thunk it? Tolerate queers as long as they aren’t hurting others, of course. Tolerance just means we aren’t going hunting, not that we think it’s a good thing or that we want it around us… or, most particularly, our KIDS!!!!

  2. Communism doesn’t try to make money. They know the government will give them as much of YOURS as they need.

    This leaves them free to focus on propaganda.

    Just one more thing the Communists have killed in their endless quest for power.

  3. I remember a time we all were excited to see the movies between the holidays. Parents would drop the kids off at the mall cinema and then get the Christmas gift shopping done. Or the adults would go to the movies as a break from the relatives and all the hussle and bussle of Christmas preparations.

    Do the major studios promote their films as holiday events anymore? It seems to me they’ve lost pride in their offerings to the point of hardly letting us know what they have on offer in December and during the summer.

  4. We go to an Escape Room for some cerebral fun every once in a while.
    Pretty cool to see the different themes & the clues they come up with for us brave-hearted souls to solve. It’s often all about figuring out obscure connections.
    Most are pretty challenging to solve in the alotted time.

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