Disney Stripped ‘A Wrinkle in Time’ of Christianity and Lost $100 Million – IOTW Report

Disney Stripped ‘A Wrinkle in Time’ of Christianity and Lost $100 Million

Breitbart – Walt Disney, the studio that, on top of its own stellar brands, owns the Star Wars, Pixar, and Marvel franchises, is a money-printing hit machine, but thanks to director Ana DuVernay’s A Wrinkle in Time, it is not a flawless one.

Despite the presence of the some of the biggest stars in the world (Oprah Winfrey, Reese Witherspoon, Chris Pine), despite coming from a children’s novel beloved for decades, despite the second-to-none marketing machine that is the Magic Kingdom, the movie was an economic catastrophe.

Globally, not just here in North America, but worldwide, Wrinkle grossed just $127 million. After tanking out at $96 million domestically, a Disney movie starring Oprah Winfrey was only able to gross an additional $31 million in 20-plus other countries.

With a production and advertising budget that reports peg at somewhere between $150 million and $250 million, that means the red ink landed somewhere between $86 million and $186 million, according to Yahoo News.

As Breitbart News reported at the time, the crucial mistake the filmmakers and Disney made was removing the Christianity from what is essentially a Christian children’s book.

My point is not that this act of anti-Christian bigotry hurt the movie by offending moviegoers, but that this act of bigotry stripped Wrinkle of if its central themes, and by extension, of all the substance and human insight that comes with Christian themes, which are also universal themes. According to countless reviews, what was left was a confection of empty calories: lovely CGI on the outside and a black hole of meaningless spirituality on the inside.  more

25 Comments on Disney Stripped ‘A Wrinkle in Time’ of Christianity and Lost $100 Million

  1. A black hole of meaningless spirituality pretty much describes your average leftist. Why would they watch soulessness when that’s what they experience every day?

  2. A wrinkle in time was the first book I read then reread because it was so good. I was in middle school and loved the book. I didn’t see the movie, not because of a lack of Christianity but because they diversified it

  3. Nihilism, writ large.

    What is the value, the purpose, of anything which is devoid of its essence?
    What is the value of the grandest Cathedral on Earth, without God?
    Take away the point and people ask “What’s the point?”
    Why would anyone want to endure a cavalcade or a parade of nothingness?

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. I stopped watching anything Disney when “The Wonderful World of Color” ended. I raised four boys and never took them to Disney because they would rather go fishing or just throw rocks into the creek.

  5. Hambone,

    Meanwhile in New York….MetGayla.

    Disney? I think the last Disney made movie I saw was Harvey and the Love Bug.

    Went to Disney as an early adult once with mrs., that was it to never return, my current troops DO not indulge in that BS!


    How about “Mutual of Omaha’s Wiiiiild Kingdom”?


  6. @Wyatt, Insensitive Progressive Jerk May 9, 2018 at 8:59 pm

    Liberal so-called spirituality is witchery and gazing at crystals. Daydreaming about purple unicorns, meditating, taking Lennon’s “Imagine” too seriously. It’s all useless nonsense and the proof is their drug dependencies, neuroticism, suicides, perversions, weird sex cults, worshipping of celebrities, etc., etc.

    I don’t know why or when they got so hostile towards Christianity, but I think the entertainment industry and the 1960s drug culture had something to do with it. I know normal people who were brought up Christian and went over to Buddhism and such, and I would think, “What’s so wrong about what you grew up with – Christianity”?

  7. What do you expect from Disney who permanently screwed up John Carter of Mars as well as The Lone Ranger. Disney sucks, they’d even screw up Davey Crockett if they even remade it nowadays. And don’t even get me started on the lousy new Mickey Mouse cartoons that my granddaughter likes to watch.

  8. The on purpose idiocy of the left – stripping Holy Bible scripture out of a Christian themed story believing it becomes inclusive and diverse – what? The left refuses to see the irony.

  9. Walt Disney brought Questionable Moral men to the top of his Kingdom….When he passed, the immoral took over….This is what happens when Immoral souls express them selfs…..

  10. Christian themes were essential to the story in a lot of L’Engle’s books. Can’t imagine them being Newbery Award winners without them.
    Besides, they did a better job putting it on film some years ago.

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