Disney Threatens Georgia Not To Enforce New Abortion Restrictions – IOTW Report

Disney Threatens Georgia Not To Enforce New Abortion Restrictions


Walt Disney Co Chief Executive Bob Iger told Reuters on Wednesday it would be “very difficult” for the media company to keep filming in Georgia if a new abortion law takes effect because many people will not want to work in the U.S. state.

Disney has filmed blockbuster movies in Georgia such as “Black Panther” and “Avengers: Endgame,” and it would be a blow to the state’s efforts to create production jobs if the entertainment giant stopped filming there.  More

Fun Facts

Georgia – Founded: 1733, Population: 10.5 million, Size: 59,425 sq. miles, survived Sherman’s March to the Sea in 1864

Walt Disney Co – Founded: 1923, Employees 201,000, Size: Disneyland = .26 sq miles, Disneyworld = 39 sq miles, A publicly traded company.

I think Georgia will be fine if Bob Iger takes his arrogant leftist culture and shots movies somewhere else. – Dr. Tar

36 Comments on Disney Threatens Georgia Not To Enforce New Abortion Restrictions

  1. It’s our own fault. We didn’t just ask film production companies to come here. We paid them to. The state calls it a “tax credit”. It ain’t. It is actually our government using tax dollars to write million dollar checks to these sweethearts.

    Let ’em swing their dicks. Be interesting to see what matters to the people running this state.

  2. Toys R US gave money to PP. In the long rung I’m thinking those people have realized the error of their ways.

    Time to boycott Disney I suppose. They want to march under that banner that is their prerogative but I can no longer give $ to such and outfit. Not one bloody cent.

  3. With so many other states passing their own restrictions on abortion, Mr. Iger may be forced to shoot films in CA, IL, or NY and I doubt they’re going to be as generous with the tax incentives when there are so few states left for Disney to take bids from.

  4. As a child back in the 60’s and early 70’s, my grandmother would take my sister and I to pretty much every Disney movie that came to the theater. I don’t have children so therefore no grandchildren. If I did though I wouldn’t be following my grandmothers lead. Disney today is not the Disney I grew up on.

  5. I was hoping that Disney world would pack its trash, take it’s $45.00 sandwiches and move to Georgia. People pouring down here just to be fleeced by that fag pandering tourist trap. They have a big gay day down there where the park is only open to queers. Who wants to visit afterwards and possibly come in contact with disgusting fluids that are probably smeared everywhere.

  6. I’m with Dr. Tar. Hollywood picked Georgia because California was too expensive to work in.

    So Hollywood went to Canada in the 90’s to film pretty much everything. Like, every single episode of the X Files to start with. Then that got too expensive so Georgia stepped up.

    The hell is left? Mesiko? Yurrup? Antarctica?

    Fuck Iger. As a shareholder I want to make money, not pander to some dick farts agenda.

  7. A company that built its business and reputation on families and children is proposing a boycott against a state because of abortion restrictions?

  8. They want liberal abortion laws because Prince Charming, the Beast, and the Tramp keep knocking up their underage princesses, i.e. Snow White, Alice in Wonderland, Mulan Sleeping Beauty, Lady, and Bambi!

  9. Born and raised in the 60’s & 70’s in the suburbs on the northeast side of Atlanta. Have lived in SC since the late 70’s. I still consider myself a Georgian (pronounced JAW-jahn). The lovely Mrs Chiggerbug calls me a Georgia (pronounced JAW-jah) boy 🙂

    Our heritage goes back to our founding as a penal colony. As such, we are outcast racist rednecks…..think Deliverance.

    Disney can suck eggs and go make their crap movies in some liberal craphold like NC/NY/CA.

  10. Georgia should tell Bob Eiger to clear all his crap on the state within 24 hours, or pay fines for whatever is left. Oh, one more thing. Don’t let the door edge in the ass on my way out!

  11. Hey, BOb. Just a quick thing to take note of…
    Planned Murderhood is quite literally murdering your main demographic.
    More kids is a good thing for Disney as a company so you just look like a foolish Ghoul now. Sick mf.

  12. @Pelopidas

    It’s no wonder Toy R’ Us has gone belly-up. Paying money to reduce your market has to be the dumbest business strategy ever conceived.

    Dumb enough for Disney to pick it up.

  13. Proud to say never took the troops there.

    Went the opposite direction to the Adirondacks instead and the troops learned a shit load more in the mountains, where we continue to go and learn and relax!

    They are up to LR.22 now.

    And build a fire bitches! (Gather the fine pine dried out needles, we call it super-kinling)

  14. Dadof4

    He stated it on msNBC to the host at around 640PM EST when questioned about how much he paid to get Deniro to work the project.

    BTW: In Hollywood . . . Free is another word for TAX WRITE OFF.

  15. @chuffed and other notables have already said it well but i will repeat the obvious.

    If your product is geared toward a multiplying child base and a group chooses to snuff your clientele, a wise entrepreneurial organization would sensibly be opposed to abortion.

    But you can’t vere from liberal orthodoxy on any single point if you are a smut peddling, political correctness championing and climate change propaganda wing of the democrat party.

    This snake is eating itself tail first.

    Pretty sure old Walt is spinning at high RPM.

    And Disney had destroyed the ESPN ABC megaphone that have been hemorrhaging viewers, not to mention actual disney channels.

  16. @Perry – I don’t know what Walt would say but his brother Roy Disney doesn’t give a shit about anything as long as he gets his money.

    He’s a despicable POS. He’s so corrupt he cheats at frigging sailboat races! Yup.

  17. “Walt Disney Co Chief Executive Bob Iger told Reuters on Wednesday it would be “very difficult” for the media company to keep filming in Georgia if a new abortion law takes effect because many people will not want to work in the U.S. state.”

    How many pregnant women wanting to undergo an abortion while on the job does the Disney Company employ?


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