Disney Updates Minnie Mouse, Less Feminine – IOTW Report

Disney Updates Minnie Mouse, Less Feminine

Oh good grief! She’s wearing a “Progressive” blue jumpsuit now. Horrible color choice-no pop-no fun. Black and blue. Seems appropriate.  – illustr8r

Disney sparks outrage after debuting new look for Minnie Mouse

Daily Mail.

  • Disneyland Paris unveiled the famous character’s brand new outfit on Tuesday via Twitter – but many people quickly put the company on blast for the change 
  • Minnie – who was created in 1928 – has famously worn a red and white polka-dot dress for years, but now, Disney thought it was time for a change
  • Stella created the new costume for her – in honor of Women’s History Month, which takes place in March, and in celebration of the park’s 30th anniversary
  • She opted for a blue polka-dot blazer with matching pants – in an attempt to make her a ‘symbol of progress for a new generation’
  • Despite having a few different outfits over her years as a cartoon, Minnie’s signature red dress has become a staple for the character’s look in the parks
  • She has also always worn a skirt or dress – and has never rocked pants before this, making her new outfit one that will go down in history
  • The change was met with a very cold shoulder from fans, with many people accusing the company of trying to be ‘woke,’ and calling her old outfit ‘timeless’
  • Earlier this week, Disney also faced furor over its live-action Snow White remake after it revealed it is ‘taking a different approach’ to the seven dwarves

29 Comments on Disney Updates Minnie Mouse, Less Feminine

  1. They look like pajamas. She’s a woke, basement Minnie. She’s oh so social and in touch with her friends and ready to change the world! You go virtual girl.


    (I really hate that company.)

  2. Of all the polluted woke companies that sold their souls to the mob, the one that I hate the most is Disney. They took my childhood memories, something that was wholesome and decent and innocent, and turned it into a toxic sludge of discrimination, intolerance, and race-baiting.

    Now, it’s like they go out of their way to turn decency on its head. They ruined Marvel, Pixar, and Lucas-Films.

    And now that pint-sized dwarf on GOT gets mad at the Snow White remake because the 7 dwarfs are still little. I guess that could make the Prince the Princess and turn SW into a lesbo, or give us Snow White and The Seven Trannies. The possibilities are limitless.

  3. There are 2 famous conservatives from SoCal that were good friends the last 20 years Walt lived. Both have orgs. bearing their names that have been run by folk that hate them.

    Disney has been ruin by Walt haters for over 4o year. It was clear to us “Davy” fans 23 years when they were making the Alamo. The “new” Davy was a “White nationalist”. This is just more of the Walt hate.

    The Reagan foundation has been ruin by Ronny haters for at least 10 years.

  4. Tougher for Donald Duck to pound her out while Mickey is out blowing Goofy in the park and pretending to walk Pluto.

    Sorry, I’m fuckin sick!
    Years of exposure to FREON-22 & FREON-12.
    I bet only SNS Knows what that means.

  5. The more I look at it the more I hate it.
    The Left ruins everything.

    Minnie’s arms legs ears are black. So, lets put her in a pantsuit that has black spots. Or, is that Minnie’s body showing through? Old Minnie’s red and white polka dot dress defines clothing vs character. ARG!!!!!!!! Pass me the whiskey.

  6. Kcir (cause I give a kcuf)
    JANUARY 27, 2022 AT 8:16 PM

    “Years of exposure to FREON-22 & FREON-12.
    I bet only SNS Knows what that means.”

    I do, just R-12 tho. AC reapair was my jam when I was working on cars, good work, very desired by the customer and very profitable for the shop, and it was a good excuse on a hot day to chill for a bit literally after a job well done.

    Honestly, though, Freon used to be so safe they used it in asthmatic lungs as an Abuteral propellant. Only dangerous when it burned, it would make deadly Phosgene gas then, which is why they stopped using flame leak detectors.

    When I worked at Sears Auto Center is when they just started getting EnviroNazi about Freon. First, they required short sections on the gauges “to limit release”. Then, they required we get bunny-hugger cards to be licensed to buy Freon where we basically had to take a class on how evil Freon was and how it was going to DESTROY US ALL. Then, they made us buy recycling machines to suck the Freon (if any) out and “filter” it for reuse. Then they started sending “testers” out to try to entrap guys into violating the newly-made rulez they just came up with so they could bust them. Sears was BIG then, so a guy running for AG could make commercials on taking down big, bad Sears.

    One went to a shop in, I think, New Jersey, and acted to be in a big hurry and “can’t you just take a quick look to see if it neeeds Freon?”. An idiot fell for it and put a gauge set on with no recycler connection or short hose.


    Hundred thousand dollar fine, shop ordered closed for six months.

    That was IT for Sears.

    They told us to take our shiny reclaimers out and pound them into scrap, and never touch an AC system ever again.

    Government’s been Nazi a long time.

    They are just expanding it to more people…

  7. @Kcir — Makes you croak like a 78 record played at 33 1/3 while your consciousness fades in and out and the inside of your head sounds like the inside of a giant gong and everything is black and red. Or are we talking about some other kind of Freon? (-;

  8. SNS, I am old enough to remember R-12. We had 5 R-12 units on one of my submarines. At one time we had leaks on 3 of them. When it gets into the atmosphere in the boat, it sure messes with lighting your smokes.


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