Disorderly Conduct For Thee, Not For Me, In Portland – IOTW Report

Disorderly Conduct For Thee, Not For Me, In Portland

The College Republican chapter at Portland State University invited conservative blogger Michael Strickland to speak on campus. A single protestor showed up with a cowbell and succeeded in shutting down the event. Campus security was there, but did nothing to intervene, stating they would only respond to any violence act.


Strickland was on campus to talk about being arrested in Portland in 2016 for “misdemeanor menacing and second-degree disorderly conduct charges.” More

Currently, Strickland is awaiting the outcome of his appeal on 21 counts charged against him. More

11 Comments on Disorderly Conduct For Thee, Not For Me, In Portland

  1. So, there were no men there that could not face down a man bun having dweeb?
    If you Wyatt Earp’ed his ass with a few bitch slaps, you could have a peaceful meeting.

  2. Absurd, they couldn’t take the bell from him? They couldn’t designate 1 guy to begin to fight him so they could both be ‘arrested’ and removed? fools.

  3. Just have to trip on a chair or desk or somebodys foot. On your way down grab his throat to break your fall taking him down with you. Tell him you’re really sorry while he struggles for air trying to breath. Sue him for the obvious injury you suffered due to his disruption.

  4. @ Jack Duggan Was His Name MARCH 8, 2019 AT 9:12 PM
    “Absurd, they couldn’t take the bell from him? They couldn’t designate 1 guy to begin to fight him so they could both be ‘arrested’ and removed? fools”

    Jack: That’s not how it works in Portland. Cops give the bell ringer a pass, and will arrest anyone trying to stop him. Read Jethro’s link above.

  5. This is Portland, where a frail, 90 year old man sitting in a chair holding a pro-life sign, within sight of the front door of an abortion clinic, was convicted on some kind of obstruction charge. Spent time in jail. So victims knew the DA, judges, media, and cops were likely to support these protesters.


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