Disturbing – IOTW Report


24 Comments on Disturbing

  1. New funeral/mortuary service for Chicago? “You do the dead’n, we’ll handle the shred’n”. Brings back memories of a friend of mine. She purchased a retired hearse and with her dad’s help, converted it to a camper. This was around the time those “Phantasm” movies were out. It was fun watching the looks of horror on people’s faces when we would pull into a KOA.

  2. Hearses make good work vans. I used one in my business years ago. I got the cops called on me one time by a guys neighbors when we were digging a hole in his front yard. The cops showed up and told me it was against the law to bury a person in the front yard of a home. We all had a good laugh when they found out that my hearse was being used as a work van. Another time half a funeral procession followed me into the parking lot of a beer joint. They all looked confused when I got out and went inside.

  3. I knew a young submarine sailor who bought one
    in Groton and lived in the barracks. He threw
    a mattress in the back and dark curtains. It was
    his date mobile.

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