Dear #Iran, The USA has disrespected your country, your flag, your people. 52% of us humbly apologize. We want peace with your nation. We are being held hostage by a terrorist regime. We do not know how to escape. Please do not kill us. #Soleimani
— rose mcgowan (@rosemcgowan) January 3, 2020
42 Comments on Ditzy Leftist Actress Apologizes To Iran – Says America is Being Held Hostage By Terrorist Trump Regime
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Color me unsurprised.
Uh… who?
She should go over and apologize in person. I’m sure the worse they will do is “pope slap” her.
She should be deported for talking like that
NO American ever says please do not kill us.
We say: “You want napalm with that ass whuppin?
There sure are a lot of celebrities I’ve never heard of.
Her greatest role was playing a woman who had a machine gun where her right leg was supposed to be. A classic of the genre, except the genre has no name and has only one movie in its history.
Other than that, she is well known for showing up at an Oscar party 99% naked, and also having serviced Harvey Weinstein, where she got something in return besides a bad taste in her mouth and a sick feeling in her stomach.
I think Rose McGowan should embark on a hitch hiking tour of Iran in order to give her apology in person. That should work out well.
Aid and comfort to the enemy
Harvey Weinstein clearly screwed the brains out of her!
Also saw a tweet from her where she says shes a republican who would never vote for a republican!🤔
Maybe she’ll go man an ant-aircraft gun in Iran.
That’s the wort of thing that makes an actress a heroin to the Left and guarantees a highly respected place on the celebrity chain for life.
She did an amateur porn thing on the internet.
Find it yourselves.
So Harvey (friend of the Clintons & Democrats) exploit her and her natural evolution is to Trump & Republicans bad. Makes sense to me.
It was wrong to kill Soleimani. He was just beginning to turn his life around. He was going to start college in the fall. He was a gentle giant who was active in his church. He never hurt anyone.
This Rose by any other name would smell as…
…would smell ass?
After Harvey she started a new career as a Sword Swallower
She didn’t write “America is Being Held Hostage By Terrorist Trump Regime”.
She wrote “being held hostage by a terrorist regime”.
And, I gotta say, as an American, I agree with her.
Yes, he was such a good boy. An all-Iranian boy. He had a great heart and was always loving and helpful to everyone. Everyone thought highly of him and wanted the best for him and his family. He was so gentle… and kind, too. The world will miss him very much.
@tctsunami So “pope slap” is a thing now? 😂 😂
Sad how the mentally ill have platforms in the media nowadays.
Best comment which I saw somewhere earlier today – “I don’t listen to bald chicks.”
I long for a world where Trump could just tweet back to her “Tits or GTFO”.
Gladly throw her and John Cusack out of an airplane over Tehran without parachutes.
So Rose McGowan is being held hostage by a terrorist regime and doesn’t know how to escape? Rose, here’s your escape plan–buy a plane ticket to ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD outside the United States. Done. And to quote Curly Bill, “Well . . . bye.”
Rose McGowan and Alyssa Milano …
Charmed,I’m sure,
Her new nick name should be either Baghdad or Tehran Rose.
“Being held hostage”? I don’t think so. You are free to use your own money to purchase travel to anywhere in the world that suits you. Buh-bye.
To use the expression that’s being used on illegals, “You don’t have to go home, but you can’t stay here. ‘Bye.”
Of course she’s trying to walk all that back now. Widdle snowfwakes don’t like not being liked.
r mcg: go over there now & start giving blowjobs – maybe you will be forgiven
He was a professor at the top clock making School.
If she went to Iran in person. she would lose 20 pounds of ugly fat. Everything above the shoulders.
That wilted whore is what is known as a C-lister.
Okay, if you feel that way then GTFO, bitch. No one is holding you here except for quite possibly the Hollywood elite or your own demonic issues.
Her comment, “…being held by a terrorist regime…” is a convenient lie/fantasy/excuse for not getting her whorish self on the next boat or plane out of the country. Seems she’s trying to become a Gen X Hanoi Jane. What an ignorant slut.
Rose ought to do a little research on a fellow by the name of Bill (William Francis) Buckley. He was the CIA station chief in Beirut kidnapped in 1985. He died under torture after over a year in captivity whose torture was supervised by an Iranian psychiatrist who also taught at the University in Tehran. Tortured daily with drugs, pure and unending pain and terror, in the end he was no longer a man but a blubbering, terrified animal. They made tapes of him over the year as he degenerated and sent them to the CIA then pretended to negotiate his release further driving the man insane. These are the people in charge of Iran and this General of the Qud needed to die to save people from fates similar to Buckley’s. Such a stupid, washed-up actress.
NO schmucks given… 🙄
“Charmed”, yet lacking any.
She thought he was in charge of the “puds” force
Her bad.
Maybe she ought turn herself in at the nearest mosque and try to make amends…
She’s an LGBT activist. Enough said.
Dumber than a bowl of LGBT dirt
At “Anonymous” As the Eagles sang in there “Hell Freezes Over” album “Get Over It,Get Over It,Get Over It “
Anyone that has associated themselves with the likes of Marilyn Manson is a FREAK with NO credibility.
She is a filthy POS that wants to be relevant but is sooo freaking damaged in the head.
I think she is damaged mentally and emotionally and has no clue about how to repair the damage.
Typical Ho-wood leftist mantra: Please don’t kill us….we’ll give you whatever you want…please don’t hurt us…it’s all our fault…we are led by a warmonger and racist president…please understand that most of us love you.
This is un-American talk.
It is probably close to what she said to Harvey Weinstein when she went to his hotel room: Harvey, I’ll do anything you want…anything, just say so…but pleeeeeeze I need that role in your upcoming film.
This is why our deliverance will come via tough men and women in our police forces and military, and our conservative people, not from those capitals of evil New York and Hollywood.
BTW – I think she is likely done for unless she reaches out to the one power that can help her. I feel bad for her. She reached for the stars and missed, bigly, and is now full of frustration and anger.