Diva de Revolution – IOTW Report

Diva de Revolution

13 Comments on Diva de Revolution

  1. Hitler was laughed at, too.

    The Commie Gidget is a prop, like obama was. But the propmasters are the Swamp.

    The Swamp – and its props -need to be destroyed with reality.

    Neither obama or gidget could exist without our corrupt schools and media.

  2. She would argue that Finland’s release of its basic income project did what it was supposed to do. Just that the guvmint wasn’t supposed to release the findings. IS EVERYBODY HAPPY? No jobs for anyone.

  3. Have you ever seen “Socialism” in the Constitution…
    The Constitution was adopted by the several states in 1789,
    Lies about “Shared Misery” did not for occur before Das Kapital from the fertilizer mind of Karl Marx in 1848,
    While the Constitution elevates individuality, Marx empowers the almighty State,
    None of his “theories” have worked out in he real world,
    He was an unemployed philosopher [parasite] his entire life.


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