Diversity Programs In Business Make Things Worse – IOTW Report

Diversity Programs In Business Make Things Worse

The top academic business journal, The Harvard Business Review, recently looked into the impact diversity programs have among private employers and concluded that they help neither minorities or women.


But they do poison the work place.


11 Comments on Diversity Programs In Business Make Things Worse

  1. That is not a bug, it is a feature.
    Segregating people into groups, each with different rules, is how you breed mistrust and contempt.
    The leftists doing this are well aware of that fact.
    When people get along they are not receptive to being manipulated by victimhood.

  2. I am a survivor of the American Express diversity program. What a bunch of hooey.

    At the time I was required to take the course, such training was de riguer for major American corporations. In the following ten years, I lost four jobs and had to mount job searches.

    During my interviews, I realized that nothing had changed. The interviewers looked right past my years of experience, typo-free resumes, my obviously serious attitude towards work, and high scores on tests to focus on nonsense like my appearance. I got blowback on my hair (curly and going gray), lack of makeup and nail polish, wearing a dress to an interview instead of a suit, wearing a suit that was the “wrong” color (royal blue), wearing no jewelry except a wristwatch, my weight (which ranged from 195 to 270 durine the period)……. In my own defense I will state that I ALWAYS left the house showered and shampooed, wearing hose and clothing that was properly laundered and pressed and covered up what needed covering. In the eyes of corporate America, I was a freak. The jobs went to undereducated girly-girls with hot bodies.

    So please forgive me if I laugh at any company that talks about its “diversty.” As much trouble as I have with the Unified Court System of New York State, at least they DO NOT DISCRIMINATE, and I can be my frumpy-dumpy, plain-Jane, middle-aged self and concentrate on the quality of my work, which always generates the highest marks on my reviews. This, by the way, is the main reason I took the civil service exam in 2001–I couldn’t stand the thought of going to more interviews and being judged by these corporate douchebags.

  3. Got no use for “diversity” in the “workplace.” We needed pipefitters who could fit pipe and stay awake all night. Install sprinklers and leave the office as though we’d never been there. Have all the systems back on by morning.

    Sounds pretty fuckin simple, but HRMD (Human Resources Management Division – what used to be Personnel) even fucked that up. Somebody come in drunk – just let em sleep it off – I ain’t a doctor, am I? Send em home? Might have an accident – that’d be MY fault, not the stupid fucking drunk’s – even though it drove there! How was I sposed to get all the sprinklers done by morning with 1/5 of the crew drunk? That’s my problem!

    Fuck it – I’m retired now, don’t know why I GAF.

  4. I question if excellence would be an aim of the hire-ees, or just bench-warming with the hand out just for showing up.
    Oh my goodness if this is a first step toward getting people off the dole, we’ve got a looooooooooooooooong way to go.

  5. Obama forced diversity on the military were this crap is even worse. You don’t risk losing a company due to poor performance. You risk getting a lot of people killed or losing a country. If the next president is smart he will put a stop to the damage Obama and the left has done to our military.

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