Dixon Gallery Wishing You an Ordinary New Year (That’s perfect!) – IOTW Report

Dixon Gallery Wishing You an Ordinary New Year (That’s perfect!)

A global pandemic, a national toilet paper shortage, and a flood in our town and studio.

2020 was the Year of Biblical Proportions. But, the gallery survived and we iOTW readers/advertisers persevered, and even managed a few laughs–often thanks to this forum.

Our current exhibit celebrates angels: those celestial guardians, messengers, and warriors who watch over us. If you need more angels in your life, visit the gallery, by appointment, in the beautiful Shenandoah Valley. Or, anytime, online. The website is www.dixon.gallery

The new Instagram account is @dixondotgallery 

Wishing our compatriots a beautiful and blessed Christmas season and an uneventful and thoroughly ordinary new year!

5 Comments on Dixon Gallery Wishing You an Ordinary New Year (That’s perfect!)

  1. 2021 will be worse. Much worse.

    A Junta now runs our nation. A malignamt, fascist Junta thay wants to break us, and enrich the goons doing their dirty deeds and violence.

    Hollywood idiots and sports scumbags are their propagandists. And Communist China runs them.


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