DJT Jr. with devastating Bloomberg leaked audio – IOTW Report

DJT Jr. with devastating Bloomberg leaked audio

Hey, this is just Bloomberg stating facts, But the left does not like facts, so he may be toast.

23 Comments on DJT Jr. with devastating Bloomberg leaked audio

  1. Doesn’t matter. Democrats have been apologizing for their honest statements about crime and colored people for decades. Bloomybergy will simply express a heartfelt apology and offer more free stuff, and he will be forgiven his truthfulness.

  2. Somebody wanted this out sooner rather than later. I bet it was Doomberg himself to inoculate and turn it into “old news”.

    And I’d be willing to bet this “leak” is a refried open secret.

  3. Scroll down to “Now on to Bloomberg’s classism”. He explains how taxing poor people, will help them live longer. Sounds like something any good slave owner would endorse.

  4. @Thirdtwin February 11, 2020 at 11:25 am

    > Somebody wanted this out sooner rather than later.

    Oh. That can’t be true. That would mean billionaires billionairing.
    (And it might make Ivanka cry.)

  5. “Ninety-five percent of murders—murderers and murder victims—fit one M.O. You can just take a description, Xerox it, and pass it out to all the cops,” he said during a speech to the Aspen Institute. “They are male, minorities, 16-25. That’s true in New York, that’s true in virtually every city (inaudible). And that’s where the real crime is.”

    HE left out that 95% of the guns used had been stolen

  6. @Anonymous
    Dems don’t hate black people, they just want to keep them as slaves. Along with illegal immigrants. Take the lowest income people and tax them an extra $2k for health insurance. After all they will live longer not having that extra money. We love our healthy slaves.
    To have wage increases, there has to be an abundance of jobs, not an abundance of workers.

  7. The blacks are no longer the sweetheart minority for the dems, they’ve been replaced by trans illigal muz etc.

    Bloomberg WILL be the nominee. He, Soros and the rest of the rich libs WILL try to wreck the economy. The democrats WILL stage more mass shootings to prop up his anti second amendment agenda.

    It is going to be a mean, nasty fall folks.

  8. @ Cmn¢¢guy FEBRUARY 11, 2020 AT 12:50 PM

    Yes they do hate black people. They are misanthropes, they have an overarching hate on for humanity. They will use anyone to achieve their own selfish ends, but they are totally consumed by a hatred for humanity.

  9. Any time you quote FBI crime statistics about blacks, the left loses their mind. So, give him credit, the police are put where the crime is.

    BUT, imagine if the police stopped and frisked wealthy white people leaving the country club, because that’s where a lot of rich people get and use powder cocaine, there would be screams and shrieks all the way to the mayor’s office, and people would be losing their jobs.

    The 4th Amendment prevents these types of illegal search and seizures because no crime has been committed, only a police officers SUSPICION of a POSSIBLE crime is good enough, in New York, but would never pass muster anywhere else.


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