DNA Strands Able to “Assimilate” Others Found In California Mud, Dubbed “Borg DNA” – IOTW Report

DNA Strands Able to “Assimilate” Others Found In California Mud, Dubbed “Borg DNA”


The Borg have landed — or, at least, researchers have discovered their counterparts here on Earth. Scientists analysing samples from muddy sites in the western United States have found novel DNA structures that seem to scavenge and ‘assimilate’ genes from microorganisms in their environment, much like the fictional Star Trek ‘Borg’ aliens who assimilate the knowledge and technology of other species.

These extra-long DNA strands, which the scientists named in honour of the aliens, join a diverse collection of genetic structures — circular plasmids, for example — known as extrachromosomal elements (ECEs). Most microbes have one or two chromosomes that encode their primary genetic blueprint. But they can host, and often share between them, many distinct ECEs. These carry non-essential but useful genes, such as those for antibiotic resistance…

In recent years “people have become used to surprises in the field of ECEs”, says Huang Li, a microbiologist at the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Beijing. “However, the discovery of Borgs, which undoubtedly enriches the concept of ECEs, has fascinated many in the field.”[emphasis added] More

17 Comments on DNA Strands Able to “Assimilate” Others Found In California Mud, Dubbed “Borg DNA”

  1. “..a microbiologist at the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Beijing.”
    I wouldn’t trust this person as far as I could throw him. They are probably already trying to use this to modify humans. It’s funny that you hear the chinese are convinced their race is superior, but then turn around and learn they are trying to modify their DNA to become bigger, stronger, faster…

  2. Borg. Yeah. Given the name by some Star Trek nerds. Named for an imaginary being from a cheap TV show. Very few, if any from the “scientific community” will object to this juvenile nonsense, I guarantee it.

    A few years ago a couple of scientists at CERN in Switzerland found an interesting particle in the accelerator, which they dubbed the “God Particle”. The worldwide “scientific community” came down on them viciously for referencing God. The two scientists had to grovel to clear their names and reputations from such scientific sacrilege. The particle is no longer referred to as the God Particle, probably needless to say.

    More times than we’d like to admit, scientists suck.

  3. I guess it’s fitting that this Me Hoy Minoy DNA is named after fiction. You’d think the evolutionists would be all over this already, much like the Warmists jump on every big storm that comes along. Maybe the Evolutionists just don’t even try anymore, either because they don’t think they have to try or because they know their whole theory is twaddle.

    “… says Huang Li, a microbiologist at the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Beijing.”

    Hey Huang Li, your government does covid tests up the ass. Maybe you people have a sick soil fetish. Just a thought.

  4. oh, just great- I wake up to this crap.
    Will wearing a mask help?

    I remember my Grandmother telling me how much and fast things were changing for her, in the world as she knew it. I also remember the old joke:
    ‘How do you tell the sex of a chromosome?
    ‘You pull down it’s genes’
    Not an¥ more, not in 1984

  5. This would go a long way to explain what happened to the people in places like Portland and Seattle. Oh, and you see a big seed pod, don’t fall asleep next to it.

  6. @Brad – “to hell with the school nurse. Just rub a little dirt on it!”

    So my drunken high school track coach was right all along. Well I’ll be damned.


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