DNC Chair Perez: ‘I Am Not Talking About Impeachment’ – IOTW Report

DNC Chair Perez: ‘I Am Not Talking About Impeachment’

Breitbart: Sunday on ABC’s “This Week,” Democratic National Committee chairman Tom Perez brushed aside the $10 million ad campaign from Democratic donor Tom Steyer, saying he’s not talking about impeaching President Donald Trump.

Perez said Steyer “has the right to do whatever he wants to do.”

“He invested a lot of money,” he continued. “I applaud his efforts in investing in organizing and helping to elect Democrats. A number of people are very — myself included — are very, very concern about the culture of corruption that has engulfed Washington, D.C.”

He added, “I’m not talking about impeachment. I’m talking about good jobs for folks. I’m talking about health care for all. I’m talking about making sure that we’re fighting for the issues that matter.”  Watch

10 Comments on DNC Chair Perez: ‘I Am Not Talking About Impeachment’

  1. “A number of people are very — myself included — are very, very concern about the culture of corruption that has engulfed Washington, D.C.”

    Your party, in collaboration with your Preznit, built this.
    And that is precisely why the People, taxpayers, voted for now President Trump. Yes, Republicans share the blame for this DC corruption. But we believe you are one with them in this.

  2. “I’m not talking about impeaching the president…”

    Nobody knows what the hell you’re talking about, Mr. Perez.

    Except that it’s self-serving and preposterously sanctimonious. As always.

  3. Perez may not be talking about impeachment but I’m sure he’s having wet dreams about it. Perez has more faces than Mt. Rushmore. To believe anything that comes out of his mouth is plain stupid. However he is perfect for the DNC. He’s not near as intelligent as he thinks he is and has a very loud mouth with a propensity for getting himself in the spotlight. He’ll screw up big time in short order.

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