DNC Chooses Milwaukee For 2020 Convention – IOTW Report

DNC Chooses Milwaukee For 2020 Convention

In an obvious attempt to make amends for Hillary skipping Wisconsin altogether in 2016, the democrat party has chosen Milwaukee to host their national convention next year. The place famous for its brewers was chosen over finalists Houston and Miami. More

State democrats were quick to gloat over being selected to host the convention. Here

17 Comments on DNC Chooses Milwaukee For 2020 Convention

  1. Milwaukee has been solid blue Democrat for 20 years along with Dane County – has Madison. Hillary lost the electoral votes in WI based on non-Milwaukee and non-Madison voters. This is dumb for them. Cheers to us!

  2. joe6pak
    I’m a native Californian but at the age of 13 pops got transfered from L.A. to Oconomowoc Wisconsin. They hated Californians. Including the teachers at Park Lawn intermediate. Mind you this is back in the mid 60’s. I was in a fist fight every day during every school year. That’s no shit. We spent three years there. At the end of the third they gave me a wide birth. I guess I should thank them. But I feel I have a right to say, Fuck Wisconsin.

  3. @Huron – If its Bradors you won’t need too many. We used to come over and get that stuff. High alcohol content as I recall. First couple tasted like hell but after that,,,,I don’t remember.😉

  4. Those of us who live in Wisconsin know that Milwaukee is a run down shit hole. It’s also the kiss of death for democrat politicians in the state.
    None who come from there, win outside of the city.
    No better place for anti American democrats to be.

  5. Hell Brad, you were damn near to Chicago in Oconomowoc. I could have told you to stay away from there. LOL. Northern Wisconsin is pretty damn nice, too bad you weren’t up there.


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